A Global Community

Dedicated to Research and Teaching

Call for the Summer 2015 International Internet Conference

The Allied Academies will hold its 17th Annual Summer Internet Conference on July 20-24, 2015. Conference Submissions and registration materials are due by June 29. Base registration, on or before June 29, is $250, late registration after that date will be $300. To provide you with maximum outlets for your research, the Allied Academies will hold joint meetings of all its member Academies:

Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies (AAFS)
Academy for Economics and Economic Education (AEEE)
Academy of Educational Leadership (AEL)
Academy of Entrepreneurship (AE)
Academy of Information and Management Sciences (AIMS)
Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications Conflict (AOCCC)
Academy of Marketing Studies (AMS)
Academy of Strategic Management (ASM)
Academy of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (ALERI)
Academy for Studies in International Business (ASIB)
International Academy for Case Studies (IACS)
Academy for Studies in Business (ASB)

All papers accepted for presentation at the Conference will be published in the appropriate Proceedings. As with our physical conferences, all papers submitted to the conference are eligible for the Accelerated Journal Review (AJR) process. You will know the results of the accelerated review within two to three weeks from the time your full paper is received (please note that you must register for the conference before submitting your full paper for consideration).

The Accelerated Review Process is a double blind peer review conducted by members of the appropriate Journal Editorial Board. Papers accepted for journal publication from the Internet Conference can be published within one month of the completed paper being submitted for journal publication. In addition, the top papers submitted for the conference will be recognized with a Distinguished Research Award.

Participation in the Internet Division involves the use of a Google Group system that acts as a message board, chat room and email list serve, all in one. Participants can also post files to the site to share with others (i.e Power Point files, Word files, Videos, PDFs, etc.). All of the conference registrants, and their coauthors, are welcome to participate in the Internet Conference. Detailed instructions will be emailed out before the start date of the conference. Please check back for additional information. We look forward to your participation!

Please visit our Submission Instructions page for more information

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