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Zaini A. Author

CYP2E1 level in peripheral lymphocytes correlates with early pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.

Jeffery Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University, Sunway Campus, Pesiaran Lagoon Selatan, 46150, Bandar Sunway, Selangor. Malaysia


Dr Anuar Zain completed MBBS, FRCP, FRACP, FASc and working as a professor in Jeffery Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University. At present dealing with certain projects like Prediction of early worsening symptoms in heart failure patients; FEMALE URINARY INCONTINENCE; Inorganic nanoparticle development for drug and DNA delivery into cancer cells, etc.

Subjects of specialization: Basic medical sciences, Social Anthropology

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