Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Family Medicine, ?zmir, Turkey
Umut G?k Balc?, Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Department of Family Medicine, ?zmir, Turkey. Wrote many article such as Gebelerde ?rk, g??men ya?am, ya?, kan grubu, do?um say?s? anemi geli?iminde risk fakt?r?d?r ve yenido?an?n intrauterin geli?imine aneminin etkisi vard?r.(SA?LIK B?L?MLER? ?N?VERS?TES? TIPTA UZMANLIK E??T?M? KURULU ?ALI?TAYI 1. H?POTEZ YARI?MASI B?R?NC?S?)
Subjects of specialization: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Nursing home, Carriage, Penicillin resistance, Risk factors