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Joshi Nalin Author

Evaluation of thyroid dysfunction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Institute of Respiratory Diseases, SMS Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan. India


Dr. Neelu Joshi Currently working at Padmashree Dr. D.Y Patil University,Navi Mumbai. Neelu Joshi's role at Padmashree Dr. D.Y Patil University,Navi Mumbai is Assistant Professor. Her skills and expertise are in Plant Tissue Culture Techniques, Cytology, Micropropagation, Plant Biotechnology, Agrobacterium Mediated Plant Transformation, Agricultural Biotechnology, DNA Fingerprints. One of their renowned works are Influence of light and temperature on secondary metabolite accumulation in callus cultures of Helicteres isora L.

Subjects of specialization: Plant Biotechnology, Agrobacterium Mediated Plant Transformation, DNA Fingerprints

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