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Review Article - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 3

Understanding the Causes and Consequences of the Nursing Faculty Shortage

Yucha Smyer*

Schools of Nursing in Allied Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

*Corresponding Author:
Yucha Smyer
Schools of Nursing in Allied Health Sciences
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

Received: 15-May-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104216; Editor assigned: 17-May-2023, PreQC No. AAICCN-23-104216 (PQ); Reviewed: 31-May-2023, QC No. AAICCN-23-104216; Revised: 3-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104216(R); Published: 12-Jun-2023, DOI:10.35841/aaiccn-6.3.150

Citation: Smyer Y. Understanding the causes and consequences of the nursing faculty shortage. J Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2023;6(3):150

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The triumphs and difficulties are explained, while curriculum suggestions that can help other healthcare programs are additionally given. The institution's capacity for assisting older persons improved because of this program, and staff members have been able to train and concentrate college students on the specifics of geriatric nursing care. The two major issues are nursing selection and promotional activities. The aforementioned problems were discussed, and potential remedies have been provided. At a time when the demand for qualified certified nurses is continuing to rise, faculty shortages at nursing schools across the nation have reduced the number of students who may enrolled. This situation has been exacerbated by tight budgets, an aging staff, and a growing employment rivalry with healthcare facilities.

Lack of suitable professors

The nurse shortage will undoubtedly grow worse as long as there is a lack of suitable professors to instruct nursing graduates. In fact, this will directly impact how well sufferers are treated across the country. Due to a number of factors, including location, there are insufficient healthcare professors all over the world. An ageing instructor workforce, delayed passage and finalisation of doctoral programs and instructor professions, substantial educational loads, as well as elevated costs associated with schooling, are some of the contributing factors stated for the teacher shortage in advanced economies, primarily those in the north-western portion of the world, in contrast to nearly every nation in the southern hemisphere, which struggles with lack of access to graduate education and resources. Just over sixty percent of doctoral-educated nurses opt for teaching positions; the remaining 40% prefer to practice [1]. Although the educational background & practical needs vary, less has been established about how much clinical requirements and educational preparation affect the function and responsibilities of nursing staff. Despite the fact that it is outside the purview of this article to go over the research on the demands of instructors from other fields of education, we are going to address one study that determined the general median of instructors' job stress towards the end to provide context for a discussion of workload equity between nursing and non-nursing faculty. There are three goals for this essay. Examine what is known about nurse faculty workload and how it relates to the scarcity of medical instructors, and how much evidence exists that contradicts the claim that nurses are in short supply [2].

Evaluate the legislation and study the consequences

The workload is not equitable with faculty workloads in other academic disciplines. The growth of the nursing workforce will remain constrained if experienced nursing professors are not retained to meet educational requirements. The many rewards and benefits of the faculty role should be highlighted, teachers in new fields should be recruited, people should be mentored into imparting older professors with individualized instructional tasks, and medical appointments could alter classroom practices. These are just a few examples of possibilities for solving the problem. According to a factor analysis, professional satisfaction with faculty identity, which includes the capacity to influence medical practice, remained a particularly significant variable impacting attrition. To encourage nursing professor continuation, universities may benefit from taking these criteria into account. Additionally, there is a scarcity of trained nursing professionals in addition to a lack of nurses. The content of this piece talks about an existing and anticipated staff shortage, its causes, present therapies, and upcoming generations of nursing profession staff [3].

Observations indicate the existence of a program with considerable financial backing, exposure to the learners who are committed to at least a part-time career in nursing education as well as those who are ready to take up a faculty post in the field of healthcare. Recognizing the desire to remain in academia is an advance toward halting academic migration given the current scarcity of nursing staff. The aim of the present investigation was to identify a small set of variables that are predictive for intent to continue in medical school from the variables of job satisfaction, mentorship, organizational dedication, and management behaviour [4]. Graduate-level physicians were discouraged from obtaining professorships due to issues like ineffective scholarly pay, a need for clinical experience, and increased demands in institutions of higher learning. Benefits included increased pay, greater regard, closeness to duty, and get nurses who are employed to take on professorial positions. A few ideas for dealing with all of these significant issues are outlined.

Organizing strategically today will help to create an eventual professor pool that includes capable individuals, which will benefit the coming generation of caregivers. To guide curricular adjustments and offer assistance to achieve role preparedness, it is necessary to comprehend the requirements of freshmen and dissertation nurses regarding what they have learned in relation to preparation for a profession in academia. It is currently established that an impediment to attracting and keeping recipients of nursing degrees from a variety of cultures is the dearth of minority professors. We compare the research on the lack of minority nurse educators with the lack of healthcare professors. The approaches of targeted staff inquiries, emphasizing hiring internally, and promotion within are included in the double-loop strategy for recruiting and keeping minority healthcare professional .educational institution's assets include conventional and online mentorship, healthcare department campaigns, friendly practices, and college campus programs[5].


The characteristics of transformative learning experiences were discovered, in addition to enhancers and impediments. It was determined that supporting elements, guidance, and programs for internships worked well together. Approaches to enrolling more minority students in bachelor's, master's, and doctorate nursing programs have to become part of ongoing efforts to successfully raise the proportion of minority nurses on staff. The focus is on a number of programs to boost minority students' enrolment in health-related fields. The last step is the presentation of plans for minority nursing expert’s recruitment, empowerment, and retention by nursing educational institutions.


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