Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism

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Rapid Communication - Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism (2023) Volume 7, Issue 2

The role of omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic and cardiovascular health.

Cheema Balogun*

Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Physiology

*Corresponding Author:
Cheema Balogun
Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Physiology
University of Navarra
Pamplona, Spain

Received:20-Feb-2023,Manuscript No. AAINM-23-90634; Editor assigned: 21-Feb-2023, PreQC No. AAINM-23-90634(PQ); Reviewed:07-Mar-2023, QC No. AAINM-23-90634; Revised:10-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. AAINM-23-90634(R); Published:17-Mar-2023, DOI: 10.35841/aainm- 7.1.137

Citation: Balogun C. The role of omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic and cardiovascular health. Insights Nutr Metab. 2023;7(2):137

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This article reviews the current scientific literature on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic and cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a beneficial role in several aspects of metabolic health, including insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and lipid metabolism. In terms of cardiovascular health, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce blood pressure, improve blood lipid levels, heart rate, and rhythm, and improve endothelial function. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which omega-3 fatty acids exert their beneficial effects, increasing intake of these essential fatty acids through diet or supplementation may be a simple and effective way to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health.


This article reviews the current scientific literature on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in metabolic and cardiovascular health. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a beneficial role in several aspects of metabolic health, including insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and lipid metabolism. In terms of cardiovascular health, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce blood pressure, improve blood lipid levels, heart rate, and rhythm, and improve endothelial function. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which omega-3 fatty acids exert their beneficial effects, increasing intake of these essential fatty acids through diet or supplementation may be a simple and effective way to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health.


Omega-3 fatty acids, Cardiovascular health, Inflammation, Lipid metabolism, Blood lipid levels, Endothelial function, Dietary supplements.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body and must be obtained from the diet. They are found in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, as well as in some plant sources, such as flaxseeds and walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids have been extensively studied for their potential health benefits, particularly in the areas of metabolic and cardiovascular health. In this article, we will review the current scientific literature on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in these two areas.

Metabolic Health

Metabolic health refers to the proper functioning of the body's metabolism, which includes the processes of digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a beneficial role in several aspects of metabolic health, including:

Insulin sensitivity: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance, which occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, is a major risk factor for metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can improve insulin sensitivity, thereby reducing the risk of insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes[1].

Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a contributing factor to the development of metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and the risk of these diseases.

Lipid metabolism: Omega-3 fatty acids can also help regulate lipid metabolism, which includes the processes of lipid synthesis, storage, and breakdown. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce triglyceride levels, which are a type of fat found in the blood that can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease.[2].

Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health refers to the health of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death worldwide, and there is growing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and manage CVD. The beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids on cardiovascular health include:

Blood pressure: High blood pressure is a major risk factor for CVD. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a modest blood pressure-lowering effect, particularly in people with high blood pressure.[3].

Blood lipid levels: As mentioned earlier, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce triglyceride levels, which can contribute to the development of CVD. They can also increase levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which is known as "good" cholesterol and can protect against CVD.

Heart rate and rhythm: Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce heart rate and improve heart rhythm in people with CVD.[4].

Endothelial function: The endothelium is the layer of cells that lines the inner surface of blood vessels. Impaired endothelial function is a key factor in the development of CVD. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to improve endothelial function, which can reduce the risk of CVD.

Omega-3 fatty acids have numerous potential health benefits, particularly in the areas of metabolic and cardiovascular health. While further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which omega-3 fatty acids exert their beneficial effects, the evidence to date suggests that increasing intake of these essential fatty acids through diet or supplementation may be a simple and effective way to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health. It is important to note, however, that omega-3 fatty acid supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle.[5].


Omega-3 fatty acids have shown significant potential in improving metabolic and cardiovascular health. Several studies have demonstrated their beneficial effects in regulating insulin sensitivity, reducing chronic inflammation, and regulating lipid metabolism. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids have shown promise in reducing blood pressure, improving blood lipid levels, heart rate and rhythm, and endothelial function, all of which are key factors in the development of cardiovascular disease. However, it is important to note that omega-3 fatty acid supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which omega-3 fatty acids exert their beneficial effects, but increasing their intake through dietary sources or supplements can be a simple and effective way to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health.


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