Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing

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Opinion Article - Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2023) Volume 6, Issue 3

The Power of Communication: How Effective Interactions Improve Nursing Performance

SK Abul Nadia*

Department of Management Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author:
SK Abul Nadia
Department of Management Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Pakistan

Received: 20-May-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104222; Editor assigned: 22-May-2023, PreQC No. AAICCN-23-104222(PQ); Reviewed: 5-Jun-2023, QC No. AAICCN-23-104222; Revised: 7-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AAICCN-23-104222(R); Published: 14-Jun-2023, DOI:10.35841/aaiccn-6.3.154

Citation: NadiaA. The power of communication: How effective interactions improve nursing performance. J Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2023;6(3):154

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Nursing instructors at institutions of higher learning around the country are becoming aware of the consequences of teaching students who do not use or did not learn Standard American English as their native tongue since healthcare embraces individuals from all walks of life. Fortunately, it's not only the ability-to-speak barrier that sets pupils apart; there additionally exist cultural distinctions in views, attitudes, and practices that should be taken into consideration in the classroom. The depth that these distinctions can offer to nursing care is priceless, even though they do pose a problem in the learning environment. The nursing scholar community is getting more varied, which means that different native languages are becoming more prevalent.

Government is urging educational institutions for nurses

The federal government is urging educational institutions for nurses to diversify their teaching staff and learners. It is popular It is generally acknowledged that having a diverse workforce in nursing will benefit both the field and the healthcare of patients, irrespective of the requirements from the government. Health Care, like other practice fields, requires complicated treatment because the reactions of the client and their clinical condition may fluctuate over the course of time, affecting the significance of what is being done at any given time. Additionally, it was shown that while expertise and skills develop as individual mature, fundamental traits, such as the behavioural beliefs and norms they formed in their early years, endure [1].

Newer nurses claimed that their more experienced counterparts mistook their fondness for independence for conceit. Hiring and keeping suitably competent personnel in a competitive employment market is the concept here. It is essential for nurse supervisors to be familiar with the characteristics and style choices of workers who are in various phases of their employment. Nurse Manager must make use of demographic advantages. To address the current challenge and narrow the gap between theory and practice, novel ideas, imaginative thought, and action are required. In order to expand their study fields and create philosophical underpinnings for practice, nurse educators must be knowledgeable about contemporary clinical practice [2].

The entire concept of "essential talents" and conventional careplanning methods are being called into question within such a system. In order to create novel nursing structures that satisfy the requirements of the healthcare delivery system, medical service workers must collaborate with professors and undergraduate in twenty-first century. This is unusual at a time when good oversight and reporting have gained more emphasis [3].

Studies that look at the measurable impact

Consequently, it is crucial to do laboratory studies that look at the measurable impact of continuing education programs on clinical practice. Considering the shift in healthcare towards research-supported practice, this appears unavoidable. For programs, especially those in developing nations, creating a unique identity while resolving financing challenges and shortages of faculty is crucial. In order to promote medical education and research, these problems can also present significant opportunities for conversation, debate, and the growth of creative and cooperative solutions [4].

Despite obvious disparities between nations and regions, there are more commonalities than differences in the problems facing the development of programs around the world. The use of worldwide collaboration to resolve these problems will probably help improve community well-being and wellness as well as the future viability of nursing education. In order to solve some of the outlined issues, this study suggests worldwide cooperation initiatives in every large category constituted frequent problems. Difficulties frequently involved concerns with linguistics, educational materials, and culture. Resources, academics, and culture were common obstacles in affirmations that frequently overlapped with those in obstacles. The most common difficulties included: a lack of institutional support for the development of leaders; occupational immaturity and youth; resistance to leadership; and insubordination. The techniques used by nurses include setting precedents for colleagues and developing connections [5].


Nurse supervisors should routinely evaluate and analyse nurse turnover rates, as well as the reasons for them and predictions, in order to successfully oversee the nursing staff. Nursing directors need to create, put into practice, and assess tactics for retention. In addition to their area of responsibility, medical administrators also need to be well understood in terms of their abilities as leaders and managers. The goal of this article is to describe the problems and difficulties faced by medical program students as they attempt to satisfy the demands of today's healthcare system. Furthermore, it's essential for the number of nursing students from culturally diverse backgrounds to keep increasing so that the staffs respond positively to language barriers. Healthcare can advance and improve the welfare of every group that we represent only by addressing the special needs of these priceless students. The way they do this will serve as a barometer for our industry.


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