Journal of Child and Adolescent Health

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Mini Review - Journal of Child and Adolescent Health (2022) Volume 6, Issue 6

The importance of research in enhancing children's health.

Takeo Fujiwara*

Department of Data Science and Economic Policy, School of Economics, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

*Corresponding Author:
Takeo Fujiwara
Department of Data Science and Economic Policy,
University of Cape Coast,
Brookings, United States

Received: 26-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. AAJCAH-22-82374; Editor assigned: 28-Oct-2022, PreQC No. AAJCAH-22-82374(PQ); Reviewed: 14-Nov-2022, QC No. AAJCAH-22-82374; Revised: 16-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. AAJCAH-22-82374(R); Published: 23-Nov-2022, DOI:10.35841/aajcah-6.6.128

Citation: Fujiwara T. The importance of research in enhancing children health. J Child Adolesc Health. 2022; 6(6):129

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Research that quantified health issues and established tactics for enhancing child health has resulted in a significant improvement in child health over the previous ten years. The Working Group on Women and Child Health examines the significant developments in this area made in developing nations since 1990 and makes the case that more advancement in child health depend critically on research. Although there has been a relative drop in child mortality of 15% since 1990, it is still higher than 100 per 1000 live births in more than 40 nations. Through scientifically supported measures like vaccination and oral rehydration therapy, the risk of death can be decreased. Research has been useful in identifying health improvement techniques, quantifying child health issues, and demonstrating the efficacy of interventions. We examine the significant developments in child health in poor nations since 1990 and highlight the contribution of research to these developments in anticipation of the next United Nations special session on children.


Child health, Child mortality.


Children's health and this combination can be challenging to separate at times. There are numerous risk factors; some of them can be changed, such as all-risk variables having a behavioural component and others cannot, such as gender. Most of the time due to the study's design, causal routes are not always obvious; nevertheless, occasionally, much to the researcher's great delight, such pathways are visible, or at least a portion of them is. Risk factors can occasionally be age-dependent; they don't always function the same way throughout life. How do we untangle the relationship between kids' health and parenting? We could start with less well-known modifiable risk variables. Furthermore, by providing mediation, we could attempt to better understand how risk variables function. Additionally, we might attempt conducting a longitudinal research or combining the results of both in a trend analysis. We must remember that in order to help children and health systems manage these risk factors, decision-makers need new information. These health systems may be found in places like schools or towns that weren't previously classified as such [1].

In the past, paediatric medicine was a branch of adult medicine. Pediatrics was first acknowledged as a medical speciality in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as individuals gradually realised that children's health issues differed from those of adults. Additionally, it was understood that a child's age influences how they react to disease, treatments, and their surroundings. The health of children has several facets. These facets of child health can never be organised well. The subjects could, for instance, be listed alphabetically. The most sensible place to start, though, would be with the elements that affect a child's normal growth and development [2].

The growth of a healthy child truly starts with the health and genetic heritage of the parents before conception. It continues during the gestational stage and conception. Naturally, there is a lot of overlap between obstetrical concerns for the mother and paediatric concerns for the foetus at this time. Following delivery, there are new and crucial issues to deal with, including nursing, newborn screening tests and safe sleeping practises. All too soon, well-baby checks and vaccines require appointments with the doctor. Other concerns including when and how to introduce solid foods, potty training, and dental appointments are then addressed [3].

Pediatrics acknowledges traditional phases of growth and development, however these are not fixed points because a child's growth and development is a continuum. During the newborn stage and the first few months of life, a baby changes at an astounding rate. The infant quickly develops into a toddler, then a child, and after a little over ten years, adolescence. For both the child and the parent, it is a hectic and difficult time [4].

Children's mortality and morbidity are measured in child health research in order to better understand the reasons and choose the most effective interventions. The following three instances show the usefulness of child health research by demonstrating how it can result in effective interventions, the application of research findings to public health practice, and an improvement in children's survival rates [5].


Research has resulted in substantial progress in child health over the past 10 years, but many problems remain to be tackled. Further progress requires that research continues to deal with the needs of children affected by preventable conditions in the developing world. Strengthening national research capacities to respond to local health needs is fundamental for the implementation and sustainability of research findings at a population level. A dynamic interaction between researchers, policy makers, advocacy groups, and funding institutions, within developing and developed nations, is essential to ensure that priorities in child research are based on sound evidence and remain at the top of the international development agenda.


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