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Editorial - Journal of Clinical Respiratory Medicine (2024) Volume 8, Issue 4

Stridor: Analyzing causes, diagnostic approaches, treatment options, and management techniques for effective relief of upper airway obstruction.

Nouvel Julie*

Department of Respiratory Medicine and Cystic Fibrosis Center, Federation of Translational Medicine of Strasbourg, University Hospitals, Strasbourg, France

*Corresponding Author:
Nouvel Julie
Department of Respiratory Medicine and Cystic Fibrosis Center
Federation of Translational Medicine of Strasbourg
University Hospitals, Strasbourg, France

Received: 03-Aug-2024, Manuscript No. AAJCRM-24-147852; Editor assigned: 06-Aug-2024, PreQC No. AAJCRM-24-147852 (PQ); Reviewed: 20-Aug-2024, QC No. AAJCRM-24-147852; Revised: 23-Aug-2024, Manuscript No. AAJCRM-24-147852 (R); Published: 28-Aug-2024, DOI: 10.35841/aajcrm-8.4.223

Citation: Julie N. Stridor: Analyzing causes, diagnostic approaches, treatment options, and management techniques for effective relief of upper airway obstruction. J Clin Resp Med. 2024;8(4):223

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Stridor is a high-pitched, wheezing sound generated during breathing that indicates upper airway obstruction. It can be a symptom of various underlying conditions, ranging from benign to life-threatening [1]. Proper understanding of the causes, accurate diagnosis, and effective management are essential for relieving stridor and addressing its root causes [2]. This article provides a comprehensive overview of stridor, including its causes, diagnostic methods, treatment options, and management strategies.

Causes of Stridor

Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis (Croup)

Description: Common in children, croup is caused by viral infection leading to inflammation of the larynx and trachea [3].

Symptoms: Barking cough, stridor, and hoarseness.

Management: Typically managed with corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine.


Description: A serious bacterial infection causing inflammation of the epiglottis, leading to potential airway obstruction [4].

Symptoms: Severe stridor, drooling, difficulty breathing, and high fever.

Management: Requires urgent medical intervention, including antibiotics and airway management.

Foreign Body Aspiration

Description: Inhalation of an object that becomes lodged in the airway, causing obstruction and stridor.

Symptoms: Sudden onset of stridor, coughing, and respiratory distress [5].

Management: Immediate removal of the foreign body via bronchoscopy or other techniques.


Description: A congenital condition in infants where the soft cartilage of the larynx collapses inward during inhalation [6].

Symptoms: Stridor that often worsens with feeding or lying on the back.

Management: Often resolves with age; severe cases may require surgical intervention.

Subglottic Stenosis

Description: Narrowing of the airway below the vocal cords, which can be congenital or acquired.

Symptoms: Persistent stridor and respiratory distress [7].

Management: Surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the narrowing.


Description: A condition where the trachea is weakened and collapses during exhalation.

Symptoms: Stridor and cough, especially during exhalation.

Management: Management may include supportive care and, in severe cases, surgical options [8].

Tumors and Growths

Description: Benign or malignant growths in the airway can cause obstruction and stridor.

Symptoms: Persistent or progressive stridor, changes in voice, and difficulty breathing.

Management: Requires surgical removal and further oncological evaluation if cancerous [9].

Diagnostic Approaches

Clinical Evaluation

Description: Initial assessment includes patient history, symptom description, and physical examination.

Focus: Identifying the onset, duration, and characteristics of stridor, as well as associated symptoms.

Imaging Studies

Description: Used to visualize airway structures and identify obstructions or anomalies.

Examples: X-rays, CT scans, or MRI of the neck and chest.

Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy

Description: Direct visualization of the larynx and trachea to assess the cause of stridor.

Techniques: Flexible or rigid endoscopy to inspect and potentially treat the airway obstruction.

Laboratory Tests

Description: Blood tests and cultures may be used to identify infections or other systemic conditions.

Focus: Identifying bacterial, viral, or fungal causes.

Treatment Options

Medical Management

Croup: Corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone) and nebulized epinephrine.

Epiglottitis: Antibiotics and, if needed, intubation to secure the airway.

Surgical Intervention

Indications: Necessary for conditions such as subglottic stenosis, laryngomalacia (in severe cases), or tracheomalacia.

Techniques: Procedures may include airway dilation, laser surgery, or corrective surgery for congenital abnormalities.

Supportive Care

Description: Includes humidified air, oxygen therapy, and hydration to relieve symptoms and support respiratory function.

Focus: Ensuring patient comfort and managing symptoms until definitive treatment is administered.

Foreign Body Removal

Description: Urgent intervention to remove the foreign object using bronchoscopy or other techniques.

Timing: Immediate removal is critical to restore airway patency and prevent complications.

Management of Tumors

Description: Surgical excision of tumors or growths, followed by oncology evaluation if malignancy is suspected.

Focus: Ensuring complete removal and appropriate follow-up care.

Management Techniques

Monitoring and Follow-Up

Description: Regular follow-up visits to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and adjust as necessary.

Focus: Ensuring resolution of symptoms and addressing any residual or recurring issues.

Patient and Family Education

Description: Educating patients and families about the condition, treatment plan, and signs of worsening symptoms.

Focus: Empowering families to manage the condition and seek timely medical help if needed.

Emergency Preparedness

Description: Developing an emergency plan for managing severe stridor or acute airway obstruction.

Focus: Ensuring readiness for urgent interventions and understanding when to seek immediate medical attention [10].


Stridor is a significant clinical sign of upper airway obstruction that requires careful evaluation and management. Understanding the various causes of stridor, employing accurate diagnostic methods, and utilizing effective treatment options are crucial for alleviating symptoms and addressing underlying conditions. By implementing comprehensive management techniques and ensuring timely intervention, healthcare providers can significantly improve patient outcomes and quality of life for those affected by stridor and related respiratory issues.


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