Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology

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Book Review - Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology (2022) Volume 6, Issue 6

Principles of microbiology and study of common pathogenic microbes

Steven Alexander*

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, United states.

*Corresponding Author:
Steven Alexander
Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Washington,
United states

Received: 19-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. AAJIDMM-22-126; Editor assigned: 21-Oct-2022, PreQC No. AAJIDMM-22-126 (PQ); Reviewed: 04-Nov-2022, QC No. AAJIDMM-22-126; Revised: 07-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. AAJIDMM-22-126 (R); Published:15-Nov-2022, DOI:10.35841/ aajidmm-6.6.126

Citation: Alexander S, Principles of microbiology and study of common pathogenic microbes. J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2022;6(6):126


The emergence and development of instabilities is one of the central problems in fluid dynamics. We develop a relationship between the free-fluid interface instability and the inverted pendulum. When an inverted pendulum is unstable because only gravity acts on it. This position is stabilized by the Kapitsa phenomenon, which produces high-frequency, low-amplitude vertical vibration. The base creates an imaginary force that opposes gravity. By transforming the dynamic equations governing the fluid interface to the appropriate pendulum equations, we show how well-tuned oscillations can induce stability in a fluid system.


The emergence and development of instabilities is one of the central problems in fluid dynamics. We develop a relationship between the free-fluid interface instability and the inverted pendulum. When an inverted pendulum is unstable because only gravity acts on it. This position is stabilized by the Kapitsa phenomenon, which produces high-frequency, low-amplitude vertical vibration. The base creates an imaginary force that opposes gravity. By transforming the dynamic equations governing the fluid interface to the appropriate pendulum equations, we show how well-tuned oscillations can induce stability in a fluid system.


Microbes can be classified into pathogens, commensals which are found in the normal body flora and ‘saprophytes’ which are found in environmental sites such as soil or plants. However, such a classification is of limited value since there are many examples of commensals, such as Escherichia coli, Staph. Saprophyticus or Streptococcus viridians or saprophytes, such as Mycobacterium kansasii or Legionella pneumophila which may cause disease in patients under certain circumstances. The ‘pathogenicity’ of a microbe depends on host as well as on microbial factors and microbes can be usefully classified into conventional pathogens, conditional pathogens and opportunist pathogens. Host factors include the age of the patient, genetic factors, general host defences and local host defences against infection. Koch’s postulates have sometimes been useful for establishing the pathogenic relationship between a microbe and a disease[1].

There is a ton of variety between types of similar microbial species or between various species, in the harmfulness of the microorganism while considering the probability of illness being delivered in a given 'have'. An exploratory proportion of the harmfulness can now and again be gotten by assessing the LD50 deadly portion which is the portion of life forms expected to kill half of the creature populace vaccinated with the specific organism. The more destructive the strain the lower is the LD50 [2].

The super known factors that influence harmfulness are worried about pathogenicity, for example, poisons and containers in microorganisms, instances of which are remembered. As of late, there has been an expanded interest in bacterial adhesiveness factors, like the pili of gonococci or of E.coli strains that cause urinary parcel contaminations. Microorganisms are either communicated on a level plane, for example between people of a similar age like the plague bacillus or in an upward direction, for example between people of various ages like inborn rubella from mother to newborn child. Hepatitis B is one illustration of a disease that is upward communicated between a large numbers of individuals in the less evolved world [3].

Epidemiological variables influencing the have are pertinent to the spread of microorganisms remembering the quantities of vulnerable people for a geologically characterized region, the vicinity of the people to one another and to the wellspring of disease, and the presence of different elements important for the transmission of contamination, like the right environment or season, the presence of a fundamental arthropod vector, and so on. These and different variables are examined where pertinent in the ensuing parts where irregular, endemic or scourge diseases are depicted [4].

Microbial variables that influence the spread rely somewhat upon the 'harmfulness' of the microorganism and halfway on the capacity of the organism to make due or duplicate in a given lifeless climate fomites, for example, bedclothes, vehicles like milk or water or on the hands of patients or medical clinic staff or in creatures/arthropods. Most importantly, the organism should can start a disease in a patient in as low a portion as could be expected, have a compelling gateway of section for laying out contamination, as well as a technique for exit from the body where it tends to be shed in huge numbers to the extent that this would be possible. Transporter states obviously help the transmission of microorganisms. Gram-positive microorganisms endure sensibly well in dry conditions while Gram-negative microbes and a few spirochaetes endure best in clammy circumstances [5].


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