Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

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Opinion Article - Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation (2023) Volume 7, Issue 5

Preventing osteoporosis in the elderly:Geriatric considerations and approaches.

Puya Cuello*

Department of Neurosurgery

*Corresponding Author:
Puya Cuello
Department of Neurosurgery
University of South Florida

Received:25-Aug-2023,Manuscript No.AAOSR-23-115160; Editor assigned:28-Aug-2023,PreQC No. AAOSR-23-115160(PQ); Reviewed:11-Sept-2023,QC No.AAOSR-23-115160; Revised:16-Sept-2023,Manuscript No.AAOSR-23-115160(R); Published:23-Sept-2023,DOI: 10.35841/ aaosr-7.5.165

Citation: Cuello P. Preventing osteoporosis in the elderly: Geriatric considerations and approaches.J Ortho Sur Reh.2023;7(5):165

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Osteoporosis is a widespread, crippling disorder that primarily affects elderly people and is characterized by decreased bone quality and density. Age-related increases in susceptibility to osteoporosis-related fractures lead to significant morbidity and mortality. This abstract offers a thorough review of geriatric issues and cutting-edge methods for avoiding osteoporosis in the elderly, concentrating on tactics that cover not just bone health but also a wider range of geriatric care. Osteoporosis and the related fractures it causes are inextricably linked to an increased risk of developing in older people, and they pose a serious threat to their general health and independence.[1].

A geriatric-focused approach to osteoporosis prevention is essential to handle this complex issue. A CGA, a multidimensional examination that evaluates not only bone health but also cognitive function, functional status, nutritional sufficiency, and medication review, is the first step in effective osteoporosis prevention in the aged. A foundation for individualized solutions is provided by a holistic assessment. The key is accurate fracture risk assessment. In order to assess a person's risk of fractures, the abstract highlights cutting-edge methods like FRAX (Fracture Risk Assessment Tool) and the integration of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) tests.[2].

Bone health continues to depend on getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet. The role of dietary modifications and specially designed supplementing plans for the aged population is explored in the abstract. Exercise plays a major role in maintaining bone density and boosting muscle strength, especially weight-bearing and balance-enhancing activities. Exercise regimens that are specifically created to take into account the physical limitations of elderly people are highlighted. Falls and osteoporotic fractures have a tight connection. The abstract emphasises the significance of fall prevention measures, which include changes to the surroundings, balance training, and gait analysis. Bisphosphonates, denosumab, and anabolic drugs are explored as pharmacological options for osteoporosis prophylaxis, with an emphasis on their safety profiles and potential advantages in the elderly. An examination of medication management techniques and prescribing in connection to osteoporosis prevention is covered because elderly people frequently handle many drugs. Preventing osteoporosis in the elderly effectively requires a complete geriatric approach that takes into account all aspects of ageing, not only bone health. Healthcare professionals and researchers can greatly improve the independence and quality of life of elderly people by including geriatric factors into osteoporosis prevention, which will lessen the burden of this widespread skeletal illness. Especially in the aged population, osteoporosis, a systemic skeletal condition marked by decreased bone density and reduced bone quality, is a major public health concern. A person's susceptibility to fractures brought on by low bone mass increases as they age, and these fractures can have significant negative effects on a person's health, independence, and general quality of life.[3].

One complex and important aspect of geriatric care is the prevention of osteoporosis and the fractures that are associated with it in the elderly. This introduction lays the groundwork for an investigation of geriatric concerns and cutting-edge methods for elderly osteoporosis prevention. It emphasises how crucial it is to address the particular requirements and difficulties brought on by the ageing population with regard to bone health. Globally, the demographic landscape is changing, with an age-related fraction of the population steadily rising. Osteoporosis stands out as a common and incapacitating ailment among the age-related health disorders brought on by this demographic transition. Osteoporosis is characterized by a decline in bone mass and the microarchitecture of the bone, making the bones more brittle and prone to fractures. Elderly osteoporotic fractures are common occurrences that frequently result in a chain reaction of issues that have a major negative impact on both individual and society well-being. Long hospital stays, loss of independence, persistent pain, and higher mortality rates can result from these fractures. Furthermore, osteoporosis-related fractures carry a heavy financial burden that puts extra strain on the world's healthcare systems [4].

We will specifically look at the many surgical methods frequently used, such as anterior spinal release, posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation, and the use of growth-friendly devices. We will also look at the long-term implications of surgical correction on sagittal balance, the curvature of the spine, and, most importantly, the influence on the general quality of life for those who are impacted. Even though surgical intervention has shown great promise in resolving the issues caused by neuromuscular scoliosis, it is important to be aware of any risks and consequences that might develop before, during, or after surgery. We'll talk about difficulties like equipment failure, surgical site infections, and implant-related problems like prominence and pseudoarthrosis. We'll also talk about neurological problems, which are rare but serious and call for attentive intraoperative monitoring and therapy.[4].

The complex nature of osteoporosis in the elderly calls for a strategy that goes beyond conventional ideas about bone health. A comprehensive examination of each person receiving geriatric care should take into account their cognitive ability, functional condition, diet, and medication use. The objective is to offer thorough care that is adapted to the unique requirements and vulnerabilities of elderly patients. A thorough geriatric assessment, fracture risk stratification, nutrition and supplementation, physical activity and functional exercise, fall prevention strategies, pharmacological interventions, and medication optimisation are just a few of the key topics covered in this investigation of osteoporosis prevention in the elderly. Healthcare professionals and researchers can strive towards a more efficient and individualized approach to osteoporosis prevention in the elderly by tackling these aspects collectively. Elderly osteoporosis prevention is a complex task that calls for an in-depth knowledge of the ageing process, a patient-centred, all-encompassing approach, and the incorporation of evidence-based methods that cover not only bone health but also the more comprehensive aspects of geriatric well-being. In order to lessen the burden of osteoporosis and enhance the quality of life for the aged population, this investigation intends to shed light on the crucial role that geriatric considerations and creative approaches play.[5].


This review emphasises the critical importance of interprofessional cooperation in the effective surgical therapy of neuromuscular scoliosis. To ensure that patient selection, surgery planning, and postoperative care are as effective as possible, orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists, anaesthesiologists, and rehabilitation specialists must work closely together. Physical therapy, bracing, and continued monitoring are all part of the postoperative phase, which is crucial for maintaining the maintenance of modifications made during surgery and avoiding problems. In conclusion, surgical care of neuromuscular scoliosis is a dynamic and developing discipline with enormous promise to enhance the lives of those who are affected. In order to improve patient outcomes and quality of life, this review aims to provide a thorough exploration of the outcomes and complications connected with surgical interventions. It does this by highlighting the current state of knowledge, the problems that remain, and the opportunities for additional research and clinical improvement.


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