Journal of Nutrition and Human Health

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Rapid Communication - Journal of Nutrition and Human Health (2023) Volume 7, Issue 3

Mineral Cuisine with Celebrating the Diversity of Nutrient-Packed Ingredients

Cuong Ngu*

School of Chemical Engineering and ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Corresponding Author:
Cuong Ngu
School of Chemical Engineering and ARC Centre of Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia

Received: 04-May-2023, Manuscript No. AAJNHH-23-105127; Editor assigned: 08-May-2023, Pre QC No. AAJNHH-23-105127(PQ); Reviewed: 22-May-2023, QC No. AAJNHH-23-105127; Revised: 24-May-2023, Manuscript No. AAJNHH-23-105127(R); Published: 30-May-2023, DOI: 10.35841/aajnhh-7.3.149

Citation: Ngu C. Mineral cuisine with celebrating the diversity of nutrient-packed ingredients. J Nutr Hum Health.2023;7(3):149

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In order to maintain good health and wellbeing, minerals are essential. Minerals are crucial for many physiological processes in our bodies, while frequently being overshadowed by macronutrients like carbs, proteins, and fats. Minerals are the unsung heroes of our general health, supporting everything from neuron and bone health to energy production and immune system maintenance. This article will discuss the value of minerals, their varied uses, and how to make sure you get enough of them to maintain good health [1].

The importance of minerals although our bodies only need a tiny amount of minerals for appropriate biological activities, they are essential. They serve as cofactors for enzymes, catalysts for biochemical activities, and crucial parts of our bodies' tissues and structures. Without a sufficient mineral intake, our bodies may experience imbalances and inadequacies that can cause a number of different health problems.

Essential minerals and their functions

Calcium: Calcium is essential for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Additionally, it affects how muscles work, how nerves communicate, and how blood clots.

Iron: Iron is crucial for the development of red blood cells and the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. It is essential for the metabolism of energy and for keeping the immune system strong.

Zinc: Zinc is an essential component of several enzymatic processes and is essential for cell division, wound healing, and immune system health. It also encourages healthy development and growth.

Magnesium: A healthy heart rhythm and the proper operation of the muscles and nerves depend on magnesium. Additionally, it contributes to the synthesis of proteins, energy production, and bone health.

Potassium: Potassium is crucial for maintaining proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. It also helps regulate blood pressure and supports heart health [2].

Ensuring an adequate mineral intake

To maintain optimal health and prevent mineral deficiencies, it is essential to ensure an adequate intake of minerals through our diet. Here are some tips to consider: Consume a Balanced Diet: Eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods as part of a balanced diet. Minerals are abundant in fresh produce, whole grains, lean proteins, dairy products, and whole grains.

Emphasis on foods high in minerals include meals that are naturally mineral-rich. Lean meats, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dairy products, for instance, are good suppliers of a variety of minerals. Take into account supplementation if necessary: In some circumstances, it may be necessary to add minerals to your diet as a supplement, particularly if you have certain dietary limitations, health issues, or have been instructed to do so by a medical practitioner [3].

Prevent excessive processing in foods that have been processed or refined frequently have less mineral content. To increase your mineral intake, choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever feasible. Be Aware of Factors Affecting Mineral Absorption: A number of elements, including specific drugs, nutritional combinations, and underlying medical problems, can influence the absorption of minerals. With a healthcare professional, go over any worries [4].

Mineral cuisine celebrates the diversity of nutrient-packed ingredients and their vital role in culinary creations. From vibrant leafy greens like spinach and kale, rich in iron and calcium, to sea vegetables such as nori and kelp, abundant in iodine and other essential minerals, the world of mineral-rich foods is a treasure trove of flavors and nutritional benefits. Root vegetables like sweet potatoes and beets offer a wealth of minerals like potassium and manganese, while nuts and seeds provide a variety of minerals, including magnesium, zinc, and selenium. By incorporating these nutrient-dense ingredients into our meals, we not only elevate the taste and texture but also nourish our bodies with the vital elements they need to thrive. Mineral cuisine embraces the power of nature's bounty, reminding us of the invaluable role that minerals play in our overall health and well-being [5].


Minerals are essential for maintaining good health and wellbeing. Minerals are crucial for a variety of physiological functions in our bodies, from promoting bone health and nerve function to helping with energy production and immune function. By maintaining a sufficient intake of minerals through a balanced diet and taking supplements as needed, we can support our general health and avoid deficiencies that could have a detrimental influence on our wellbeing. Let's harness the power of minerals and acknowledge their importance in preserving good health.


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