Case Reports in Surgery and Invasive Procedures

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Commentary - Case Reports in Surgery and Invasive Procedures (2023) Volume 7, Issue 4

Long-term Functional and Radiological Assessment of Surgical Intervention in Spinal Osteomyelitis

Jennifer Barret *

Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

*Corresponding Author:
Jennifer Barret
Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics,
University of Genoa,
Genoa, Italy

Received: 30-Jun-2023, Manuscript No. AACRSIP-23-104894; Editor assigned: 03-Jul-2023, PreQC No. AACRSIP-23-104894(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jul-2023, QC No. AACRSIP-23-104894; Revised: 20-Jul-2023, Manuscript No. AACRSIP-23-104894; Published: 27-Jul-2023, DOI:10.35841/aacrsip-7.4.158

Citation: Barret J. Long-term functional and radiological assessment of surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis. Case Rep Surg Invasive Proced. 2023;7(4):158

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Spinal osteomyelitis is a serious and potentially debilitating condition that requires prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Surgical intervention is often considered in cases of spinal osteomyelitis to achieve effective source control and improve patient outcomes. Long-term functional and radiological assessment of surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis, focusing on evaluating the impact of surgical procedures on patient functional outcomes and radiological healing [1].

Spinal osteomyelitis is characterized by infection and inflammation of the vertebral bodies and adjacent structures. It can lead to severe pain, neurological deficits, spinal deformity, and functional impairment. Although medical management with antibiotics remains the cornerstone of treatment, surgical intervention plays a crucial role in cases where conservative measures fail, or there is a risk of spinal instability, neurological compromise, or abscess formation. However, the long-term functional and radiological outcomes following surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis are not well-established [2].

A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar. Studies that reported on the long-term functional and radiological assessment of surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis were included. The articles were screened, and relevant data were extracted and analyzed. The functional outcomes were evaluated using validated scoring systems such as the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS), while radiological outcomes included the assessment of bony fusion, disc height, and spinal alignment. The review of the literature revealed a limited number of studies that specifically evaluated the long-term functional and radiological outcomes following surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis. However, the available evidence suggests that surgical treatment can lead to significant improvements in pain relief, functional status, and quality of life. The studies also demonstrated favorable radiological outcomes, including successful bony fusion, restoration of disc height, and maintenance of spinal alignment [3].

The positive functional and radiological outcomes observed in the reviewed studies highlight the importance of surgical intervention in selected cases of spinal osteomyelitis. The eradication of infection, decompression of neural elements, stabilization of the spine, and restoration of spinal alignment are crucial factors contributing to improved long-term outcomes. However, the optimal surgical approach, including the choice of debridement techniques, instrumentation, and fusion methods, remains a subject of debate [4].

Despite the limited available evidence, surgical intervention appears to play a significant role in the long-term management of spinal osteomyelitis. The reviewed studies suggest that surgical treatment can lead to favorable functional and radiological outcomes, resulting in improved pain relief, enhanced functionality, and restoration of spinal stability. Further research is needed to establish standardized protocols, identify patient selection criteria, and compare different surgical techniques to optimize the outcomes of surgical intervention in spinal osteomyelitis [5].


This retrospective study underscores the significance of surgical intervention in the management of acute frontal sinusitis. While endoscopic sinus surgery remains the preferred technique for most cases, traditional external approaches and combined approaches have their roles in specific situations. Individualized treatment decisions should be based on patient characteristics, disease severity, and surgeon expertise. Further prospective studies and long-term follow-up are warranted to validate these findings and refine the surgical management of acute frontal sinusitis.


  1. Muller EJ, Russe OJ, Muhr G. Osteomyelitis of the spine. Der Ortho. 2004;33(3):305-15.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

  2. Si M, Yang ZP, Li ZF, et al. Anterior versus posterior fixation for the treatment of lumbar pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis. Orthop. 2013;36(6):831-6.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

  3. Osenbach RK, Hitchon PW, Menezes AH. Diagnosis and management of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis in adults. Surg Neurol. 1990;33(4):266-75.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

  4. Jaramillo D, Treves ST, Kasser JR, et al. Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in children: Appropriate use of imaging to guide treatment. Am J Roentgenol. 1995;165(2):399-403.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

  5. Safran O, Rand N, Kaplan L, et al. Sequential or simultaneous, same-day anterior decompression and posterior stabilization in the management of vertebral osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine. Spine. 1998;23(17):1885-90.

    Indexed at, Google Scholar, Cross Ref

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