Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

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Commentary - Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology (2022) Volume 6, Issue 4

Is endometriosis possible after a hysterectomy?

Andrea Papad*

Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, University Hospital of Bern and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

*Corresponding Author:
Andrea Papad
Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology
University Hospital of Bern and University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland

Received: 05-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. AAGGS-22-69305; Editor assigned: 07-Jul -2022, PreQC No. AAGGS-22-69305(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Jul-2022, QC No. AAGGS-22-69305; Revised: 22-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. AAGGS-22-69305(R); Published: 28-Jul-2022, DOI:10.35841/2591-7994-6.4.117

Citation: Papad A. Is endometriosis possible after a hysterectomy? Gynecol Reprod Endocrinol. 2022;6(4):117

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The condition known as endometriosis is characterised by the growth of tissue outside the uterus that resembles the endometrium, the tissue that borders the uterus. Endometriosis has no known cure, and those who have it may think about having their ovaries removed if their condition is particularly challenging to treat. Surgery to remove the uterus, or a hysterectomy, may get rid of the endometriosis's primary cause. However, even after a hysterectomy, endometriosis may still exist.


Endometriosis, Hysterectomy, Ovaries.


Recurrence of endometriosis may be more frequent than total endometriosis eradication depending on the type of surgery used. As a result, endometriosis may persist for a long time. This page includes various treatment choices, when to consult an endometriosis specialist, when to have a hysterectomy to treat endometriosis, and support for on-going support and activism [1].

Hysterectomy: A last resort for endometriosis

Deciding whether to get a hysterectomy to eliminate the symptoms of endometriosis is a big decision. While a hysterectomy involves total or partial removal of the uterus, unfortunately, it doesn’t always result in relief from endometriosis. Continuing to experience endometriosis symptoms after a hysterectomy is a real possibility and therefore it should be considered a risk of getting a hysterectomy [2]. You can determine whether the dangers exceed the benefits by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of having a hysterectomy to treat your endometriosis. For instance, if endometriosis discomfort remains after the first operation, additional surgeries may be required and even then, the pain may return. The likelihood of recurring endometriosis is not infrequent, with up to 15% to 30% of women still describing endometriosis symptoms following a typical hysterectomy, according to a review of studies on endometriosis after hysterectomy [3].

The causes of recurrence following hysterectomy

Endometriosis relief is not usually achieved after a hysterectomy. The most frequent cause of recurrent endometriosis is incomplete eradication of the condition. In other words, endometriosis may return if any of the lesions that caused it are still present after surgery. Endometriosis symptoms are influenced by the type of hysterectomy surgery since it influences how much of the uterus is removed.

Locations of lesions

Lesions typically occur in and round the womb. The foremost common sites of pathology are:

• Ovaries

• Fallopian tubes

• Anterior cul-de-sac (between the bladder and therefore the uterus)

• Posterior cul-de-sac (between the womb and therefore the rectum)

• Ligaments that hold the womb in situ (uterosacral ligaments)

• Pelvic cavity lining

• Outer surface of the womb

Missed or unnoticed lesions in surgery

Steady side effects of endometriosis are logical brought about by injuries that are abandoned after a medical procedure. A few sores might be missed during a hysterectomy since they may not seem as though a run of the mill sore, are not hued like an injury, or are too profound to be in any way identified with a laparoscope (a slim adjustable cylinder with a light embedded into little entry points made in the mid-region) or came to during medical procedure. Moreover, the sores might be situated in places not commonly checked in that frame of mind out. For instance, a sore in the digestive system could be abandoned after a hysterectomy or oophorectomy [4].

Indications of recurring endometriosis post-hysterectomy

Repeating endometriosis can be hard to analyse from a medical services supplier's point of view, yet there are signs and side affects you would see or feel. The most well-known side effects of repeating endometriosis is pelvic endlessly torment from sex. Different side effects that might emerge after a hysterectomy are side affects you will likely effectively perceive as they reflect side effects of endometriosis before it are dealt with, including:

1. Intensely excruciating period cramps

2. Heavy draining during your period

Rectal torment and draining may likewise happen

The extreme part about diagnosing repeating endometriosis is that it is difficult to distinguish the specific reason for the persevering aggravation since there could be various elements impacting everything. In any case, as verified above, there may likewise could be sores that are missed. Hence, it is critical to advocate for yourself when you realize that something actually isn't correct. As well as noticing your side effects, your medical care supplier might do a laparoscopy, a method to really take a look at the pelvic organs, to check whether there are additional injuries that could be causing diligent torment. Finding help from endometriosis can troublesome and cripple. In the event that you have endometriosis and have attempted numerous choices, including getting a hysterectomy, then it very well might be an ideal opportunity to track down an endometriosis subject matter expert.

An endometriosis expert will comprehend that a few sores are missed during a hysterectomy and will hence have that at the top of the priority list if, together, you conclude another medical procedure is all together.

Treatment options after hysterectomy

A hysterectomy is certainly not a most important thing in the world treatment for endometriosis. In the event that a hysterectomy neglects to dispose of endometriosis torment, there are other treatment choices still accessible. Different medicines might include:

• Chemical treatment

• Conception prevention

• Torment drugs

• Another medical procedure, assuming injuries were missed

This is where endometriosis experts prove to be useful. They can assist you with gauging the choices and decide the subsequent stage forward. An endometriosis expert will likewise be more put resources into the common dynamic course of endometriosis treatment [5].


While a hysterectomy is an acknowledged treatment for endometriosis, there is no assurance that it will dispose of endometriosis side effects. In some cases sores are missed during a medical procedure, and that implies the basic reason for endometriosis is still there and causing torment. An endometriosis expert can assist with deciding subsequent stages for individuals with intermittent endometriosis, including less obtrusive treatment choices and more custom fitted help.


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