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Awards 2020 - Anesthesiology and Clinical Science Research (2019) Volume 3, Issue 2

Introducing Awards 2020 at the 4th International Conference on Anesthesiologists and Surgeons

Alpha Ibrahima Balde

Professor, Surgery, Southern Medical University , China, Email:

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Join the immense gathering of anesthesiologists and surgeons at the 4th International Conference on Anesthesiologists and Surgeons anticipated for July 13-14, 2020 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

As an appreciation for the exquisite presentations rendered in the Conference we are introducing customised awards for Anesthesia 2020, with the rationale of reassuring a higher participation rate from students and researchers, we have introduced an assortment of awards for this year’s event. A certificate will be provided as an advocacy to the winners during the award ceremony of the conference.

The Awards phased includes:

Outstanding Speaker

Best Key Note Speaker

Prime Organising Committee Member

Best Thesis work presentation

Best Poster Award

The Outstanding Speaker Award: It is introduced to ensure the acknowledgement of the Speakers participating in Anesthesia 2020. The presentation can be made under any of the following sessions: Anesthesiology, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic anesthesiology & surgery, Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Ophthalmic Surgery & Ocular Anesthesia, Otorhinolaryngology Surgery, Dental Anesthesiology, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Obstetrics - gynecological Surgery & Anesthesia, Urologic surgery, Orthopedic surgery, Pediatric anesthesia & Pediatric surgery, Plastic surgery, Veterinary Anesthesia & Veterinary surgery, Bariatric & Metabolic surgery, Microsurgery & Robotic Surgery, Anesthesia Technology & Monitoring, Anesthetic Implications & Management. The Outstanding Speaker will be recognized by the Session Chair and will be bestowed with the award for his astounding and insightful presentation.

The Outstanding Speaker Award: It is introduced to ensure the acknowledgement of the Speakers participating in Anesthesia 2020. The presentation can be made under any of the following sessions: Anesthesiology, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic anesthesiology & surgery, Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, Ophthalmic Surgery & Ocular Anesthesia, Otorhinolaryngology Surgery, Dental Anesthesiology, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Obstetrics - gynecological Surgery & Anesthesia, Urologic surgery, Orthopedic surgery, Pediatric anesthesia & Pediatric surgery, Plastic surgery, Veterinary Anesthesia & Veterinary surgery, Bariatric & Metabolic surgery, Microsurgery & Robotic Surgery, Anesthesia Technology & Monitoring, Anesthetic Implications & Management. The Outstanding Speaker will be recognized by the Session Chair and will be bestowed with the award for his astounding and insightful presentation.

The Best Keynote speaker Award: It has been introduced to distinguish the finest Keynote presenter at Anesthesia 2020. We welcome our Organizing committee members to take part in the event and establish their exquisite research ahead of our Anesthesia gathering. The Best Keynote presentation will be chosen by the Committee board and will be awarded during the ceremony of the Anesthesia event.

The Prime Organizing Committee member: The award will be venerated based on the involvement in the committee, his/her contribution to the proper organisation of the event. The Best committee member will be recognized and awarded.

The Best Thesis work presentation: It is an award introduced with the motive of encouraging Young researchers to present their Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc thesis work in the esteemed event. The presentation aids the young researchers to gain reinforcement from the experienced committee members and speakers. Also helps in disseminating the research work.

The Best Poster Award: It has been introduced to inspire the students and researchers to present their work in the field in a simpler form. This helps gain deliberation and recognizes the scientific merit exhibited in the poster presentation.

The above awards have been presented with the motive of encouraging collaboration extensively. The awards are evaluated based on the criteria of the provision of appropriate perspective for the subject, clear statement of objectives, appropriate data analysis, research objectives addressed, interpretation and clarity of presentation.

Take part in the Amsterdam Anesthesia Conference and win an award for your presentation!

Sandra Isabela
Program Manager | Anesthesia 2020
W: (44) 178 550 8016

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