Journal of Nutrition and Human Health

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Awards 2020 - Journal of Nutrition and Human Health (2019) Volume 3, Issue 2

European Summit on Health and Fitness 2020 Conference – Awards Announcement

Constantina Lekakou

University of Surrey, UK, E-mail:

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Validation for the effort put in in any field is a must. Awards can help garner a significant amount of visibility in the concerned field and attract new collaboration, funding, customers, investors and donors by giving an edge over others. Awards speak volumes about a person’s research work and substantiate their credibility. It is a great chance to raise awareness of individuals and teams making a positive impact for their outstanding works.


The keynote addresses in Fitness 2020 conference are meant to give a basic knowledge of what is to be expected from the field of content. The best keynote speaker of the event is that participant who addresses not only a single field but also gives an overview of the whole conference along with in-depth knowledge concerning the content and create the attendees understand the importance of the sphere.


A speaker in Fitness 2020 conference who along with giving an wonderful introduction will not fail to let the audience have the knowledge about the recent developments in the field without putting aside the future aspirations and expectations that are yet to be worked upon is meant to be recognized with this award which aims at recognizing the best speaker of the event.


This award aims to recognize the poster in Fitness 2020 conference that will fulfill all its expectations and more and will not fail in giving an insightful presentation in the simplest form to make its audience actually believe and understand his /her perspective and will succeeded in putting all the contexts in one poster along with briefing its viewers about the same.


The best delegate award is meant for the people in audience of the Fitness 2020 conference who will encourage all the participants to do their best and will give his/ her precious time to make this event achieve its success simultaneously presenting with well suited advices for the participants to work upon.


Young Research Forum Award is supposed to deal with the young research worker within the Fitness 2020 conference despite the age and knowledge barrier can offer a lot of knowledge than expected and will compel his audience to learn beyond their comfort level making them believe that the future of world science is in safe hands. The young researcher who will show his/ her dedication and effort to make the future of technology/ biology develop to fulfill the world never-ending desire of leading a more comfortable life is to be recognized by this award.


The exhibitions at the Fitness 2020 conference are conducted by some of the top industries in the field that implement the researchers conducted in practical manner by several eminent and top-level scientists and researchers. The award means that to acknowledge the exhibition which will show however effectively they need used the technologies of today’s world to arrange an artistic movement property resolution for the problems at hand. They should be presented for the development of the world science and technology and should be well planned to serve the world towards a better standard of living and sustainable growth.

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