Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism

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Editor Note - Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism (2021) Volume 3, Issue 1

Editorial note for journal of cell biology and metabolism. Jackson Swan*

Jackson Swan*

Managing Editor, Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism, United States

Corresponding Author:
Jackson Swan
Managing Editor
Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism
United Kingdom

Accepted date: June 25, 2021

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Editorial note

Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism is a scientific open access journal that deals with the ongoing research on Cell Structure and its metabolism. The study of Cell Biology includes fundamental research on Cell Anatomy, Cell Structure, Neurocellular Biology, Cell Therapy, Cell transplantation, Stem Cell Biology, and Membrane Biology. Cells are continually completing a great many substance responses expected to keep the cell, and your body in general, alive and solid. These synthetic responses are regularly connected in chains or pathways. The entity of the substance responses that occur within a cell is altogether called the cell's metabolism.

During the calendar year 2020, a total of 10 Editors, 4 Reviewers joined the board of AACBM and contributed their invaluable services towards contribution as well as the publication of articles. Articles with late exploration yield that can help to the advancement of the subject are generally welcome. The diary utilizes the Editorial Manager System for simple internet following of the articles accessible to writers. Compositions go through exhaustive friend auditing under the direction of prominent researchers who are masters in their subject field. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they have not been published or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are accepted based on the recommendations of the referees. Published papers become the sole property of otolaryngology and will be copyrighted by the journal.

The journal aims to Publish Research, Review, Short Communication, Case Studies related to cancer. Thus, providing the readers appropriate information through free access and

promote awareness among people. Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted. Journal of Cell Biology and Metabolism is Open Access, self-financed, and doesn't get subsidizing from any establishment/government. Henceforth, the Journal works exclusively through handling charges we get from the creators and some scholarly/corporate backers. The taking care of expense is needed to meet its support. Being an Open Access Journal, It doesn't gather membership charges from peruses that appreciate free online admittance to the articles. Writers are thus needed to pay a reasonable dealing with the expense for preparing their articles. Be that as it may, there are no accommodation charges. Creators are needed to make installments solely after their composition has been acknowledged for distribution.

• A quick review process with international peer-review standards • The timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 45-50 days • The manuscript will be published within 7-10 days of acceptance

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