Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health

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Editorial - Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health (2020) Volume 4, Issue 5

Dental & Oral Health: An Overview

Anusha Swarna*

Department of Pharmacology, Nandha college of Pharmacy, Erode, Tamilnadu, India, E-mail:

*Corresponding Author:
Anusha Swarna
Department of Pharmacology, Nandha college of
Pharmacy, Erode, Tamilnadu

Accepted date: November 25, 2020

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General Overview

I am delighted to introduce Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health (AACDOH), one of the journals from the Allied Academies publisher in the area of Clinical Dentistry, Oral Health. Journal of Clinical Dentistry and oral health is an Open Access multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal. The journal has been established in the year of 2017 and published more than 30 Article till date with the help of the eminent editors. The Journal publishes high quality research paper, review paper, case report and short communication and makes them accessible to the audience worldwide. The Journal especially emphasis on research related to Dentistry from diverse fields of Tooth Pathology, Endodontics, Geriodontics, Oral Microbiology, Oral Biology, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics etc. The Journal follows an international ethical standard procedure to publish each article. All the journal submissions are double blinded and peer reviewed in order to evaluate the quality of the manuscripts towards publication by qualified and reputed Reviewers and the Editors. The Editors of the journal are highly profiled and expertise in this field and have more than 30 Publications. The editors and reviewers of the journal are from different diversion and well known for their work. The journal always keeps the editors and reviewers active so as to accelerate the review process within the given time. The Minimum turnaround time for processing of manuscript from submission to publication is 45 days. Upon request the journal provide accelerated review where the authors will receive reviewer feedback within 10-15 days, of their submission. Aims and Scope The journal mission is to expand the horizon of the academic disciplines of Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health through a broad dissemination of innovations and knowledge sharing to expand understanding of the Implant Dentistry, Forensic Dentistry, Primary Care Dentistry. The journal aims to raise the level of standard and publish the issue half yearly along with special Issue with the active support of the eminent editor’s, Clinical Dentistry and Oral Health Editorial Note reviewer’s and the author’s. The Journal also aims to provide researchers, academics, students and interested individuals worldwide an opportunity to acquire more information on latest innovations in maxillofacial pathology and veterinary dentistry. 

Spectroscopy 2020 Highlights During the calendar year 2020, all the issues were published online within the time and also included editorial conferences in the issues. Every month we have more than 400 Page views from different diversions such as Asia, Europe and America, and observed that the visitors have accessed the journal pages for reading and deriving information for their use. Role of Digital Marketing The journal connects the author’s through digital marketing and promotes the journal articles through social media using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, What’s App etc. which aids in increasing the visibility among readers globally.

Acknowledgments: Finally I would like to express the gratitude to all the author’s, reviewer’s, the publisher and the editorial board of the journal for their support. Especially I would like to appreciate the reviewer’s and the editor’s warm work earnestly, who are serving us continuously since day one and brought an invaluable depth of knowledge, experience and commitment to the journal during this time. Their work has not only enhanced the reputation of the journal, but consolidated its presence in emerging research areas. Also, I would look forward to expand and welcomes a wide range of members to the Editorial Board who are expert in their respective discipline and collectively cover the scope of the Journal. We trust this new editorial structure will ensure their provision in future.

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