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Awards 2020 - Archives of General Internal Medicine (2021) Covid-19 and its variants - Antidrugs

Awards at Drug design 2020

Takagi Tatsuya

Medical Pharmacy, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Japan, Email:

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By the successful completion of series conference in the field of Drug design techniques, we are glad to include another international conference in the series. The conference is tilted as “14th World Congress on Drug Design Techniques and Pharmacology” the conference will be held on October 19-20, 2020 Paris, France.

The special moment added in the conference is award distribution. The award is to encourage the speakers, participants, Keynote speaker; Young scientist people etc., there are several categories are introducing to provide the awards. The awards will be delivered by the chairperson at the end of the conference.

The most important category awards are:
1. Best Keynote Speaker
2. Best Speaker
3. Poster presentation Award
4. Young Scientist Award
5. Best Question Award

Best Keynote Speaker

The best keynote speaker award will be given to the people who are presenting their presentation at the Recycling conference in a keynote speaker category. This award will be decided by the chairperson in the conference. This award is the most prominent and prestigious award given in the conference.

Best Speaker

The best speaker award will be given based on the research idea and how the person presenting their idea in the forum. The research idea should enhance, and it should be implemented in the real time treatment technique in the Recycling and E-waste Management. The best speaker will be decided by the keynote speaker who is participating in the conference. The people could participate under the categories which they have been registered.

Poster Presentation Award

The people under poster presentation category will be awarded with the best poster presenter. This will be selected based on the fascinating idea and it should create awareness among the people about the dental and oral field. This award will be decided by the organizing committee in the conference. The most fabulous moments are waiting in the conference to be happen.

Young Scientist Award

The conference of Recycling and E-waste Management will also recognise and provide honour to the young research people who are fascinated to bring the changes in the treatment techniques. This award will be provided to the students. This award will be provide based on the concept of research and how it will be useful for the environment.

Best Questioner award

This will be the different and most interested award given to the delegate who is asking queries to the speakers, research people presenting the research work. From delegates who is asking the most valuable and knowledgeable question to the presenter they will be provided with the best questioner award.

The conference will be having the workshop, scientific session, poster presentation, video presentation, etc., The people who are attending the conference are Industry people, research people, professors, head of the departments, dentist, dental nurses, oral care, pediatrics etc., kindly spent a day at the useful place to gain a more knowledge.

Program Director
Drug design 2020

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