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Opinion Article - Integrative Neuroscience Research (2023) Volume 6, Issue 2

Autonomic nervous system physiology.

Jonathan Aadhavi*

Department of Cardiology

*Corresponding Author:
Jonathan Aadhavi
Department of Cardiology
Center of Wuhan University, Wuhan

Received:30-Mar-2023,Manuscript No. AAINR-23-83335; Editor assigned: 02-Apr-2023, PreQC No. AAINR-23-83335(PQ); Reviewed:17-Apr-2023, QC No. AAINR-23-83335; Revised:27-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. AAINR-23-83335(R); Published:28-Apr-2023, DOI: 10.35841/aainr-6.2.140

Citation: Aadhavi J. Autonomic nervous system physiology. Integr Neuro Res. 2023;6(2):140

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The autonomic nerve system’s Regulation of activity, efferent routes, sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, neurotransmitters, their receptors, and the end of their activity are some of the subjects covered. The adrenal medullae are also discussed. Additionally, the use of this information in pharmaceutical practise is particularly interesting. Included are two case reports on hypersecretion and pesticide toxicity.


The autonomic nerve system’s Regulation of activity, efferent routes, sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, neurotransmitters, their receptors, and the end of their activity are some of the subjects covered. The adrenal medullae are also discussed. Additionally, the use of this information in pharmaceutical practise is particularly interesting. Included are two case reports on hypersecretion and pesticide toxicity.


Physiology, Sympathetic, Autonomic Nervous System, Adrenergic, Parasympathetic, Cholinergic.


The preservation of homeostasis depends heavily on the ANS. Additionally; medicines that impact this system may help or worsen a variety of disease symptoms and processes. This system may be involved in a number of systemic diseases. The basic anatomy and physiology of the ANS are the main topics of this book, but references to ANS-related illnesses and treatments are also provided to show how this system might be used in pharmacy practise. During a two-semester Human Physiology course, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the related case studies are covered during five lectures and two recitation parts. The ANS operates without conscious, deliberate control and is also referred to as the visceral or involuntary nervous system. This neural system affects the activity of most tissues and organ systems in the body since it innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and different endocrine and exocrine glands. Because of this, the ANS significantly contributes to homeostasis. The ANS controls a wide range of homeostatic processes, including blood pressure regulation, gastrointestinal reactions to food, bladder contraction, ocular focus, and thermoregulation.[1].

Autonomic reflexes play a significant role in controlling the efferent neural activity of the ANS. Sensory data is sent to homeostatic control centres in many of these reflexes, particularly those in the brainstem and hypothalamus. The afferent fibres of cranial nerve X, the nerve cells transport a large portion of the sensory information from the thoracic and abdominal viscera to the brainstem. The hypothalamus and the brainstem receive sensory information from additional cranial nerves as well. Preganglionic autonomic neurons' preganglionic activity is modified by the transmission of nerve signals after this input has been integrated and a response has been carried out. The baroreceptor reflex is an autonomic response.[2].

Sensory receptors that measure blood pressure are called baroreceptors, and they can be found in some of the main systemic arteries. The quantity of sensory impulses that travel from the brainstem's vasomotor centre to the baroreceptors and lower blood pressure likewise drops. This alteration in baroreceptor stimulation and sensory input to the brainstem causes the ANS to modify its activity to the heart and blood vessels, increasing heart rate and vascular resistance to raise blood pressure to its normal level. These brainstem and hypothalamic neural control centres may also be impacted by higher brain regions. Through hypothalamic-brainstem connections, the cerebral cortex and limbic system specifically affect ANS activity linked to emotional reactions.[3].

Autonomic reflexes play a significant role in controlling the efferent neural activity of the ANS. Sensory data is sent to homeostatic control centres in many of these reflexes, particularly those in the brainstem and hypothalamus. The afferent fibres of cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve transport a large portion of the sensory information from the thoracic and abdominal viscera to the brainstem. The hypothalamus and the brainstem receive sensory information from additional cranial nerves as well. Preganglionic autonomic neurons' preganglionic activity is modified by the transmission of nerve signals after this input has been integrated and a response has been carried out.[4].

The neuroeffector junction, or synapses between autonomic postganglionic neurons and effector tissue, differs significantly from synapses between neurons. The postganglionic fibres of the ANS do not synapse with tissue cells directly, nor do they terminate in a single swelling like the synaptic knob. Instead, these fibres' axons have many swells known as varicosities where they enter a particular tissue. These varicosities release neurotransmitters when the neuron is activated along a sizable portion of the axon and, consequently, over a sizable surface area of the effector tissue. Wherever its receptors exist in the tissue, the neurotransmitter diffuses through the interstitial fluid. Numerous tissue cells are simultaneously impacted by this neurotransmitter's diffuse release. Additionally, gap junctions exist between the cells of cardiac muscle and the majority of smooth muscle.[5].


Pharmacy students must have a thorough understanding of the autonomic nervous system in order to succeed in more complex courses like pathophysiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics as they go through the curriculum. The students love the many references to pharmacology and disease processes as they start to comprehend how physiological principles might be used in pharmacy practise. The mandatory case studies provide further examples of how the lecture topic might be applied to the practise of pharmacy, in addition to the "Pharmacy Application" portions found throughout the discussion. The recitation portions then discuss the case studies. These tests aim to distinguish between pupils who have merely memorised parts of the ANS and those who have a deeper comprehension of it. The case studies need advanced critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities to be completed successfully.


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