Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases

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Perspective - Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases (2023)

Assessment of digestive bleeding caused by duodenum ulcers

Amin Kamali*

Department of Bacteriology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding Author:
Amin Kamali
Department of Bacteriology,
Tarbiat Modares University,

Received: 17-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JGDD-22-80115; Editor assigned: 21-Nov-2022, JGDD-22-80115 (PQ); Reviewed: 05-Dec-2022, QC No. JGDD-22-80115; Revised: 23-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. JGDD-22-80115 (R); Published: 02-Mar-2023, DOI:10.35841/Jgdd.8.3.141

Citation: Kamali A. Assessment of digestive bleeding caused by duodenum ulcers. J Gastroenterology Dig Dis. 2023;8(3):1-2.

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Intense peptic ulcer dying is still a major reason for healing center affirmation. Particularly the administration of dying duodenal ulcers needs an organized helpful approach due to the higher dreariness and mortality compared to gastric ulcers. Understanding with these dying ulcers is frequently in a high risk circumstance, which needs multidisciplinary treatment.


Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, Peptic ulcer disease, Affirmation, Dreariness, Multidisciplinary treatment


Gastrointestinal dying is still a common reason for clinic affirmation. Whereas endoscopy is the helpful gold standard, particularly in high risk circumstances, a multidisciplinary approach is required for the ideal treatment of patients. In 85% of the cases, the dying location is localized proximal to the tendon of Treitz and so classified as Upper Gastrointestinal dying (UGIB). Intense UGIB remains a vital clinical issue. In spite of pharmacological and endoscopic progresses, mortality remains tall, i.e. up to 14% in later decades; this can be the result of statistic changes, with more seasoned patients enduring from more comorbidities. Nonvariceal dying is the foremost common cause of UGIB, while 31%-67% of cases are caused by Peptic Ulcer Malady (PUD) [1].

Dying has been most commonly credited to an upper GI source; in any case, specifics of the anatomic area and the characteristics of the dying injury have not been well defined. Since of the physiologic push of cardiac surgery, counting full anticoagulation and cardiopulmonary bypass, it has been guessed that the foremost likely pathophysiologic component is surgical stress related mucosal breakdown, causing gastritis and gastric erosions. On the other hand, duodenal ulceration, commonly related with Peptic Ulcer Malady (PUD), has been found to be a common cause in a few series. Within the common populace, upper GI dying is caused most commonly by PUD and is showed by dying duodenal ulcers. It is well recognized that PUD is highly associated with Helicobacter pylori disease and it isn’t shocking that H. pylori contamination has been recognized as a preoperative hazard figure for dying after cardiac surgery [2].


The endoscopic discoveries of patients with GI dying after cardiac surgery are perfect way>the most perfect way to decide whether PUD or stress related mucosal breakdown is the more common pathology. This strategy may at that point encourage preoperative recognizable proof of those at chance. For dying related to stress related mucosal breakdown, prophylactic gastric corrosive concealment with proton pump inhibitors may be compelling at diminishing the chance. On the off chance that PUD could be a more common cause, be that as it may, preoperative testing and destruction of the H. pylori life form may have a critical moderating impact [3].

For the show think about, we hypothesized that the rule etiology of GI dying after cardiac surgery would be stress related mucosal breakdown, causing gastritis and gastric disintegrations. We moreover expected that the in general frequency of GI dying has been expanding over time due to a more prominent chance profile of patients as well as an expanding utilize of verbal anticoagulants and antiplatelet treatments [4].

A add up to cohort of 9017 patients experienced cardiac surgery amid the 10 years consider period. 138 patients were recognized with postoperative GI dying. Of those, 91 met the ponder incorporation criteria of GI dying that required an endoscopy strategy for administration. Of the 47 patients with GI dying who were prohibited for not assembly consideration criteria, 34 had preoperative dying, dying afterward than 30 days postoperative or an endoscopy for reasons other than dying. An extra 13 patients were distinguished within the release unique database as having GI dying but were prohibited since they did not have an endoscopy [5].


Patients with GI drains were included within the ponder by distinguishing them reflectively in a healing center authoritative database. This hone has inborn impediments, since patients were distinguished with GI drains as it were in case the conclusion was connected to the chart when the quiet was released or perished.


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