Editorial - Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2020) Volume 3, Issue 1
Yong Huang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China, E-mail: yong_1huang@hit.edu.cn
The Biomarkers 2020 Organizing panel is committed towards the assemblage of International Conference on Applied Biomarkers Technology scheduled to take place from September 21-22, 2020 at San Francisco, USA.
Biomarkers 2020 Conference is the commencement of exploring the different paths to utilize various resources for upliftment of the future, assuring a better tomorrow for the generations to follow. San Francisco Biomarkers 2020 Conference is expected to be one the best scientific conferences in world in the coming years. The scientific sessions in this International Scientific Colloquy have been framed on vivacious topics such as Biomarkers, Nursing, Technology, Medicine and the event will consist of well- organized scientific program and effervescent speeches by the expertise.
Throughout medicine, a biomarker may be a traceable material that is introduced into an organism as a way of testing organ function or other aspects of health. Rubidium chloride, for example, is used as a radioactive isotope to evaluate the perfusion of the heart muscle. It may also be a substance whose identification suggests a particular disease state, such as the presence of an antibody that may signify an infection. More precisely, a biomarker indicates a difference in the expression or state of a protein that corresponds with the incidence or progression of the disease or the susceptibility of the disease to a given treatment.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an example of a commonly used biomarker in medicine.This marker can be measured as a prostate size proxy with rapid changes that could potentially indicate cancer. The most extreme case would be to identify mutant proteins as cancer-specific biomarkers by Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM), because mutant proteins can only come from an actual tumor, potentially providing the best sensitivity for medical purposes. Biomarkers used for personalized medicines are usually classified as either prognostic or predictive. An example of this is KRAS, an oncogene that encodes GTPase involved in several signal transduction pathways. Prognostic biomarkers suggest the probability of patient outcomes independent of specific treatment. Predictive biomarkers are used to help predict optimal treatments and show the probability of gain from specific treatments. Precision oncology biomarkers are usually used in molecular diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia, colon, breast and lung cancer, and melanoma.
USA Biomarkers 2020 Conference sets the right track for the researchers and professionals to gather and confer around new medical science developments and applications. Biomarkers 2020 aims to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Biomarkers to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Biomarkers and Technology. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working worldwide. The conference will be held at regular intervals to make it the best platform for all the attendees to share views and experiences in Biomarkers and related areas.
Be a part of this grand event by soliciting your precious time by enrolling yourself through submitting your abstract at http://biomarkers.alliedacademies.com/abstract-submission
2nd International Conference on Biomarkers