Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

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Short Communication - Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology (2021) Recent Advancements in Pregnancy during COVID 19

Adaptation and validation of the self-assessment questionnaire prenatal in user managers of the national institute perinatal maternal


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The objective of this research work, of an instrumental nature, is to adapt and validate the prenatal self-assessment questionnaire (PSQ) in a sample of 790 pregnant women using the National Perinatal Maternal Institute, aged between 13 and 45 years (M = 23.8, DE = 6.7). Evidence of validity will be developed regarding the content and internal structure of the questionnaire; As for the first, the V of aiken and the confidence intervals are detailed, 69 items of the questionnaire with CI greater than .75 have been found, and it has been indicated with respect to the importance of the items. Regarding the analysis of the internal structure, exploratory factor analysis was performed finding a KMO = .97; χ² (45) = 49430.3, p <.001; Subsequently, the theoretical model provoked by the author with the resulting model of the AFE, which has five dimensions, was compared through a confirmatory factor analysis. A better configuration is seen in the five-dimensional model in its version of 30 items χ2 = 787.75, χ2 / gl =1.99, CFI = .979, RMSEA = .035 [.032- 039], SRMR = .038, AIC = 927.75. Reliability coefficients were estimated for each of the five dimensions. It is concluded that the resulting instrument, based on a multidimensional model of five factors, presents the psychometric properties in terms of its validity and reliability, why its use is acceptable as an instrument to know psychosocial aspects related to the adaptation to pregnancy.
Key words: Pregnant, self-assessment, psychosocial, validity, reliability (Source: MeSH NLM)

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