Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

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Short Communication - Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology (2021) Recent Advancements in Pregnancy during COVID 19

A study on peripartum mental health in a tertiary care hospital in north east India: An illness considered a taboo


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 Statement of problem: Pregnancy and puerperium can present with a variety of mental health problems in women like postpartum depression, which is most commonly seen, delirium, de novo or as an exacerbation of psychosis or neurosis, conversion disorder like generalised anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, mania, seizure disorders, schizophrenia, dissociative identity, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder. This disability causes sufficient personal, social and economic loss of the patient and their family. But the symptoms are commonly ignored, specially due low education and awareness among the people about such problems in the society. Most frequently these are attributed to demonic or spirit possession. The subject is less commonly studied because people shy away to divulge the information about the patients, even if they are aware of it. The pivotal aim of the study is to find out the incidence of such patients admitted in the department and assess their response to treatment

Methodology and theoritical orientation: A hospital based prospective study was done and detailed history was taken using a predesigned proforma.

Findings: Neither the patients nor their attendents fully understood the gravity of the situation. They were in a dilemah, some even refused further treatment and returned home.

Conclusion and significance: The patients were never able to express their grievances fully Some attendents fully supported their patients, but few failed to recognize their inner cries. Acceptance of awareness programmes is necessary from the layman to make the programme a success.


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