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Eugenia A Asamoah Author

The rabbit habit - sensory and physicochemical characteristics of rabbit meat sausages

University of Paris-Saclay, France.Eugenia A Asamoah is a graduate student pursuing a degree in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes)


Eugenia A Asamoah is a graduate student pursuing a degree in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes), an Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s degree Program partnering highly ranked Universities in Europe (France, Ireland, Sweden and Italy).Eugenia A Asamoah is a graduate student pursuing a degree in Food Innovation and Product Design (FIPDes), an Erasmus Mundus Joint master’s degree Program partnering highly ranked Universities in Europe (France, Ireland, Sweden and Italy).

Subjects of specialization: Food Design and Engineering, and presently a Research Intern in AgroParis Tech.

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