About The Journal Open Access

Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry refers to medical care for older adult, whereas geriatrics refers to the study of health problems and diseases prevalent in old age. Geriatric psychiatry otherwise known as psychogeriatrics, geropsychiatry or the psychiatry of old age corresponds to the study of age dependent psychogenic disorders. These mental disorders are usually accompanied with continuous sickness, gradual deterioration of physical health and the resultant socioeconomic burdens
Aims and Scope
Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry is a peer reviewed journal that focusses on the publication of research developments in the field of gerontology and geriatrics. The journal strives for wide dissemination of recent scientific developments in the field of cellular aging, Palliative Care, geriatric medicine and its impact on the elderly people.This journal emphasizes on the publication of innovations in the treatment of geriatric giants such as impaired memory, aged care, instability, immobility, loss of vision and hearing impairment.
The journal accepts manuscripts in the form of original research article, review article, short communication, case report, letter-to-the-Editor and Editorials. All the articles published are open access and are freely accessible online without any subscription charges.Submission and processing of the articles will be done through the Editorial Manager System in order to ensure quality of the peer review process and easy access to the authors to track the process of manuscript evaluation and publication in an automated way.
All the submitted manuscripts undergo peer review done by the external subject matter experts under the aegis of the Editor-in-Chief or assigned Editorial committee member of the journal. Approval of at least two independent reviewers and the editor is mandatory for any manuscript to be considered for publication.
Authors may submit manuscripts online at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/aging-geriatric-psychiatry.html or send us your Manuscript as an attachment to psychiatry@medischolars.com and agp@alliedacademiesscholars.com
Individuals interested in becoming members of the Editorial/Review Board should contact by email.
Articles published in Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry has got h-index 2 , which means every article in Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry has got 2 average citations.
Just Published Articles View More
Opinion Article September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 1-1
Geriatric Mental Health: Addressing the Emotional Well-Being of Older Adults
Teresa Romero
Commentary September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 1-2
Managing Chronic Illness in the Elderly: Insights from Geriatric Medicine
Mathew Mara
Perspective September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 1-2
Aging and the Impact on Healthcare Systems: The Growing Role of Geriatric Specialists
Deepak Bhat
Perspective September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 1-2
Aging Minds: Understanding the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in the Elderly
Jesus Mari
Rapid Communication September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 1-1
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease in Old Age: Epidemiological Trends and Projections
Jenny Monson
Perspective September 28, 2023
J Aging Geriatr Psychiatry: 7(5): 0-2
The Role of Genetics in Age-Related Mental Disorders: An Epidemiological Perspective
Paul Juan