Review Article - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2015) Volume 5, Issue 2
Tonsillectomy under Local Anesthesia in Mali
BACKGROUND The objective of this study was to analyze a series of tonsillectomies performed in the ENT Reference Centre of the Health, District IV BAMAKO MALI PATIENTS and
METHODS The study was conducted between June 2003 and May 2013 focused on 166 patients. Pa-tients with chronic tonsillitis, obstructive hy-pertrophy of the Palatine tonsils, caseous tonsillitis were included in the study. The method of dissection of the tonsils in sitting position (home position) was the tech-nique used. RESULTS A predominance of female 114 (68.70%) were observed. The average age of the patients was 25 years with extremes from 12 to 54 years. Tonsillectomy was bilateral in all patients of the study. The main indications were: chronic ton-sillitis 101 (60.84%). There was no major compli-cation during the postoperative period. CONCLUSION Tonsillectomy under local anesthesia is well tol-erated by patients in a tropical environment. Its cost is less.
Author(s): Sacko H.B