- Biomedical Research (2005) Volume 16, Issue 1
Testicular changes in rat exposed to Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) during organogenesis
Halogenated hydrocarbons such as Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are among the most common water supply contaminants in the world. The study was, therefore undertaken to examine the effect of Trichloroacetic acid on the developing testis of Charles foster rat. The rats were randomly placed in the test groups and exposed to various concentrations of TCA i.e. 1000,1200,1400,1600 and 1800 mg/Kg body weight by oral gavage throughout the period of organogenesis, from day 6 to 15 of gestation. TCA was administered in the form of sodium trichloroacetate, which in the body is reduced to trichloroacetic acid by P450 enzyme in the liver. TCA administration led to dose related reduction in the fetal weight and the testicular weight, when they were collected on day 19 of ges-tation. Control mothers were administered equal volume of distilled water. Histological studies of the testis when compared to the controls revealed decrease in the length and diameter of the seminiferous tubules with 1400 mg/kg and higher doses. The rapid assault on the cellular components with the increase in the TCA concentration causing enhanced apoptosis of the gonocytes were well evident, with the sub- sequel lying in the total reduction in the testicular size.
Author(s): Royana Singh