Current Pediatric Research

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Research Article - Current Pediatric Research (2022) Volume 26, Issue 8

STOPS as a prognostic indicator for outcome of new born babies admitted in NICUâ??s of central India.

Background: STOPS is a simple physiological scoring tool that can be effectively applied even in a very small/resource limited NICU set up. Aim and Objective: To estimate the prognostic accuracy of outcome of babies admitted in NICU of Ujjain city. Material and Methods: The current study was a prospective observational study. All admitted babies in neonatal intensive care unit of Ujjain city in RD gardi medical college, UCTH hospital and CharakBhawanhospital Ujjain, MP were part of the study. STOPS scoring is done at the time of admission and followed up to look for their outcome death/discharge (duration of stay). The data was collected using a Scoring system “STOPS” which include sensorium, temperature, oxygenation, perfusion and sugar. Results: The stops score Predicts the accuracy of mortality when the score cut off >2 among all the cases are 83%. In our present study, all the samples were taken during the time of admission in NICU. Our study included 184 out of which males were (64.1%) and females were (35.9%). In our study we found that 52 babies had a STOP score of >2 and 132 had ≤ 2 STOP score. 34.5% of the babies died who had a perfusion STOPS score of 1. In our study out of the 12 babies with sugar STOPS score 1, in which 7(58.3%) of the babies died. Also we found that out of the 37 VLBW babies, 8(21.6%) had mortality. Conclusion: The present study explained that STOPS was a good prognostic indicator and useful in predicting the outcome of the babies admitted in NICU.

Author(s): Jean Pratheesh J*, Jagdish Chandra Mandliya, AkhanshaMuvel

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