Neurophysiology Research

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Rapid Communication - Neurophysiology Research (2024) Volume 6, Issue 1

Sodium channels: Gateways to cellular excitability.

Sodium channels, particularly Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels (VGSCs), are vital for cellular excitability in various cell types, including neurons and muscle cells. Composed of a central α subunit and auxiliary β subunits, these channels facilitate the selective passage of Sodium ions (Na+) across cell membranes, essential for action potential initiation and propagation. This communication outlines the structure, function, and regulation of sodium channels, detailing the phases of action potential generation: Resting state, depolarization, inactivation, repolarization, and recovery. Sodium channels are tightly regulated by voltage sensitivity, auxiliary subunits, and post-translational modifications, with mutations leading to channelopathies associated with neurological, cardiac, and muscular disorders. Their significance extends to pharmacological applications, making sodium channels crucial targets for drug development. On-going research continues to enhance our understanding of sodium channel dynamics, with implications for novel therapeutic strategies in channelopathies.

Author(s): Jiali Wu*

Abstract PDF

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