Neurotology - The International Tinnitus Journal (2004) Volume 10, Issue 2
Sequential Sound Therapy in Tinnitus
Sequential sound therapy, which uses wide-band white noise distinguished by some unique characteristics, is applied in the treatment of tinnitus. The methodology is described, as are the differences from and similarities to tinnitus retraining therapy. We have performed sequential sound therapy in 26 patients from 2002 through part of 2003. Thirty-eight generators of sounds were adapted for use in this therapy and, of these, 34 incorporated an earphone. The results of sequential sound therapy in our 26 patients were compared with the results of tinnitus retraining therapy in 15 patients treated during the years 2000 and 200l. Satisfactory results obtained with sequential sound therapy totaled 100%, whereas only 33% of subjects treated with tinnitus retraining therapy obtained satisfactory results. In 6 patients who received sequential sound therapy, tinnitus disappeared altogether. In addition, no patient receiving sequential sound therapy has left the treatment protocol, whereas 53% of patients receiving tinnitus retraining therapy abandoned the treatment protocol.
Author(s): Miguel A. Lopez-Gonzalezl and Roclo Lopez-Fernandez