Current Pediatric Research

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Review Article - Current Pediatric Research (2024) Volume 28, Issue 11

Retinopathy of prematurity: Nurses perspectives.

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of childhood blindness. India and other middle income countries are currently facing the’ third epidemic ‘of this disease mainly due to increased survival of preterm babies. This is a disorder of the immature retina of preterm babies in which abnormal vascularization occurs after birth. ROP is multifactorial; and is sensitive to the quality of neonatal inpatient care received during early life of these babies. Nurses, being the primary care givers in neonatal intensive care units, play a vital role in prevention and management of ROP.


Bindu K. Sankar*, Hrishikesh Amin, Pappa. P, Riaz M, Shalu Varghese

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