Case Blog - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2016) Volume 6, Issue 1
Resistant oroantral fistula: combined technique of double flap clo-sure and wide endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy
Oroantral fistula is a pathological communica-tion between the oral cavity and maxillary sinus antrum. Many etiologies have been contributed for the abnormal communica-tion; of these following dental extraction maxillary premolars and molars has been the commonest because of anatomic proximity of root apices of these teeth and maxillary an-trum. Various methods have been described in literature for closure of these communica-tions which vary from simple local methods like buccal advancement flap to complex dis-tal flaps and grafts. We present you 2 cases of OAF repaired using double breasting flap technique.
Author(s): Sudhir M Naik, Deekshith R M, Ravishankara S, Shashikumar T, Sherry J, Pooja N, Aishwarya KV, Shankarnarayana bhat