Review Article - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2015) Volume 5, Issue 2
Redefining Indications and Evaluation of Dissection Versus Diathermy Method of Tonsillectomy
The current availability of randomized clinical trials have assessed the efficacy of the most common presumed indications for tonsillec-tomy, but the controversy still exists So, the present study was conducted to assess (1) Whether tonsillectomy leads to any signifi-cant benefits as compared to watchful waiting (2) evaluating the two most common-ly used techniques for tonsillectomy i.e; cold dissection & diathermy.
Author(s): Fozia Wani, Mohd.Latif Chisti, Sajad Hamid, Ayaz Rehman, Mushtaq Sangoo, Basharat, Shahnawaz Hamid