Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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- Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012) Volume 2, Issue 5

Quality Control Parameters for Medicinal Plants, an Overview

Medicinal plants have been used in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity. History of herbal medicine is as old as history of mankind itself. It is time tested and widely used across globe. However, recent trends have been directed more towards maligning this rich heritage rather than exploiting its merits. Recent research papers published across globe have alarmed the world in a wrong direction towards propagation of herbal medicine, especially, Ayurveda. Spurious finished products are a consequence of inferior quality of raw materials used in their processing. Therefore, need of time is to abide by standard protocols laid for assuring quality of these raw materials i.e. medicinal plants. The present article deals in detail the background of standardizing medicinal plants in India and an in depth discussion on WHO protocols related to quality control of these herbal drugs.

Author(s): Yadav P, Prajapati P. K

Abstract PDF

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