Journal of Clinical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

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Short Communication - Journal of Clinical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2022) Volume 6, Issue 6

Process of DNA replication and their applications.

DNA replication is probably one of the most amazing tricks that DNA does. If you think about it, each cell contains all of the DNA you need to make the other cells. And we start out from a single cell and we end up with trillions of cells. And during that process of cell division, all of the information in a cell has to be copied, and it has to be copied perfectly. And so DNA is a molecule that can be replicated to make almost perfect copies of itself. Which is all the more amazing considering that there are almost three billion base pairs of DNA to be copied. And replication uses DNA polymerases which are molecules specifically dedicated to just copying DNA

Author(s): Zhiqiang Wei*

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