- Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2014) Volume 4, Issue 28
Prevalence of Enteric fever in patients with Pyrexia of Unknown origin
The study was undertaken to analyse the prevalence of Enteric fever in patients with suspected enteric fever, presenting with Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO), utilizing slide agglutination test (Tydal-Tulip Diagnostics ). Out of 1985 samples received, 542 (27.3 % ) were positive for Enteric fever. The agglutinins to S.typhi were the most prevalent among the sera of various dilutions ( 47% for O antigen and 46.7% for H antigen). The levels of agglutinins for Salmonella paratyphi AH and BH were very low (only 4.8% and 1.5% for the AH and BH antigens respectively).Though statistically insignificant, the incidence of Enteric fever was found to be highest in age group 21-40 years ( 36%) followed by <20 years (30.4%) with a slight female predominance (p value≥0.05).
Author(s): Bharadwaj VBB, Vazhavandal G, Uma A, Rajalakshmi PC