Neurophysiology Research

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Short Communication - Neurophysiology Research (2024) Volume 6, Issue 1

Potassium channels: Guardians of cellular excitability and beyond.

Potassium channels are essential proteins that regulate cellular excitability and maintain membrane potential across all living organisms. They play a critical role in physiological processes such as nerve signal transmission, muscle contraction, and cardiac rhythm. This communication explores the significance of potassium channels, detailing their involvement in generating action potentials and maintaining resting membrane potential. Various subtypes of potassium channels-such as voltagegated, inwardly rectifying, and calcium-activated channels-exhibit unique functions and kinetic properties suited to specific tissues. Beyond excitability, potassium channels are implicated in numerous health conditions, including cardiac arrhythmias, neurological disorders, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. As promising drug targets, potassium channels hold potential for therapeutic interventions in a variety of medical fields, underscoring their vital role in both physiology and disease.

Author(s): Barbara Szewczyk*

Abstract PDF

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