Research Article - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2020) Volume 10, Issue 2
Paediatric tympanoplasty: surgical outcomes and successful prognostc factors
Introducton: Paediatric tympanoplasty (PT) is a common performed procedure with variable described success rates. There’re many factors that may in?uence the anatomic and functonal surgical outcomes and this study’s aim is to present our PT experience and to assess the factors that may in?uence the PT success. Methods: This retrospectve study is about the children who underwent tympanoplasty in our insttuton (2011-2016). The factors tested as outcome predictors were: patent age, gender, previous adenoidectomy, operated ear side, perforaton cause, site and size, infecton at the tme of surgery, middle ear mucosa state, graf material used, contralateral ear status, pre and postoperatve hearing levels and postoperatve complicatons. We defned anatomic success as an intact graf and functonal success as a minimum of 10-dB gain in the auditory threshold afer a 6 months postoperatve period.
Results: Of the 60 patents and 78 procedures included, 29 were female and the patent’s mean age was 12(5) years. When only perforaton closure was considered, the success rate was 71%; however, when we measured the anatomic success plus the auditory threshold gain, the surgical success rate fell to 61%. There is a statstcally signifcant associaton between the middle ear mucosa and anatomic success rate (p=0,02) and between type of tympanoplasty performed and functonal success results (p=0,03).
Conclusions: Tympanoplasty’s the frst-line chronic otts media treatment and there’re di?erent factors that in?uence the surgical outcomes. This study should and will be complement with a bigger sample to defne the best prognosis factors. Keywords: Tympanoplasty, Paediatric tympanoplasty, Chronic otts media.