Commentary - Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery (2021) Volume 4, Issue 6
Oral sub-mucous fibrosis, diagnosis and treating methods.
Oral sub-mucous fibrosis is a deadly, chronic and precancerous state of the oral cavity next to the epithelium with an inflammatory reaction and progressive fibrosis of the sub mucous membrane. If the disease worsens, the oral mucous membrane becomes very thick that it would become difficult for the person to open the mouth. At this point, there are high chances of the mucous to turn into an oral cancer. Oral cancers occur mostly due to the chewing of tobacco, betel nut or its by product. The other reasons may be extreme climatic conditions, immunological diseases, deficiency of vitamins and iron in the body. The symptoms include in the initial phase it may be leathery intense fibrotic bands. If the stage worsens, the mucous developed in the oral area turns pale and stiff. It is believed that the mucous develops from the backside and slowly spreads to the outer area.
Author(s): Karl Luther