Case Report - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2012) Volume 2, Issue 4
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Posterior Cervical Compartment: An Atypical Case Due to Streptococcus Agalactiae
Necrotizing fasciitis is a fulminant infection that affects the deep and superficial fascia while initially sparing the overlying skin and underlying muscle. The involvement of the cervical compartment is associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Immunocompromised patients are prone to this infection. We present a case of a 80 year-old diabetic woman suffering from streptococcal cervical NF (probably secondary to a arm injury) with an uncommon involvement of the posterior cervical compartment, highlighting the atypical responsible microorganism (Streptococcus Agalactiae), the role of imaging for early diagnosis and the timely surgical and medical treatment for a successful outcome.
Author(s): Alessandro Abramo, Emanuele Ferri, Giacomo Spinato, Giancarlo Tirelli