Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery

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Case Report - Journal of Oral Medicine and Surgery (2025) Volume 8, Issue 1

Mucous extravasation cysts (Ranulae).

Mucous extravasation cysts, commonly referred to as ranulae, are benign lesions originating from the salivary glands. These cysts typically manifest as painless, fluctuant swellings in the floor of the mouth, often presenting as a result of trauma or obstruction of the salivary ducts. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of mucous extravasation cysts, including their etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, and management strategies. Various treatment modalities, ranging from conservative measures to surgical intervention, are discussed, with an emphasis on individualized patient care. Understanding the pathogenesis and appropriate management of ranulae is essential for clinicians to ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.


Mahesha Imbulana*

Abstract PDF

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