Case Report - Otolaryngology Online Journal (2016) Volume 6, Issue 1
Mal-united Mandible fracture- a case report and literature review
Mandible fracture is usually treated primarily with miniplates, lag screws or Kirschner’s wire with or without maxilla mandibular fixa-tion (MMF). The timing of surgical treatment is determined by multitude of factors includ-ing neurological and general condition of the patient. A delay in treatment at times may cause com-plications like non-union and malunion with occlusal abnormalities and disturbance in temporomandibular joint function. Here we are presenting a case of Mandible fracture that went into malunion due to delay in treat-ment. The malunited fracture was successful-ly repaired with a good occlusion.
Author(s): Sandeep Kumar Jha, Debjit Dhamali, Debajyoti Roy, Sharmishtha Chakroborty