Case Report - Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022) Volume 12, Issue 87
Improvement in heel strike after stroke with hot pack and sustain stretching.
A man 72 year old was retired electrical supervisor officer at defense Nagpur with right hand dominance. He sustained with a small acute non-hemorrhagic infract in left parietal lobe causes a right side lower limb mono paresis after spending 6 days in the hospital with medication and saline he referred to physiotherapy hospital where treatment started with stretching and strengthening exercises of quadriceps, hamstring and calf muscles of right side lower limb with a weight bearing exercises which gives considerable effect on quality of life of patient. The case report emphasizes the improvement of heel strike activity by giving hot pack and sustained stretching after 1 week of physiotherapy treatment for 20 days with daily physiotherapy treatment.
Author(s): Muzahid K Sheikh, Apurva Deorankar, Milind Kahile, Shailesh Patil, Shriram Kane, Pratibha Dawande, Bhushan Bawankar4