Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism

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Abstract - Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism (2020) Volume 0, Issue 0

High risks of cross-contamination of unpackaged or partially packed foodstuffs during transport in food transport containers

Every day in the world more than billions of tons of unpackaged raw materials and food are transported in liquid, powder or granulate form in food transport containers. Food transport containers include: tank trucks, silo vehicles, tipping silos, refrigerated oversea containers, bulk containers, ISO tank containers, tank wagons, IBC's- Intermediate Bulk Containers, as well as refrigerated and box trucks, in which packed, partially packed or unpacked foodstuffs are transported. Dangerous cross-contamination with e.g.: Bacteria, virus, microorganisms, moulds, mycotoxins, allergens, wood, glass, plastics or chemical contaminants, such as the product residues of cleaning or disinfecting agents used, are a high risk for industry and consumers. Little is known so far that the entire risks in the supply chain ultimately lie exclusively with the producer who brings his end product to market. What does the term "food business operator" mean for logistic companies and cleaning stations? Where are the weak points? Which cleaning procedures and cleaning certificates are available and what do they say? In the presentation I will show you international ENFIT standards developed by the experts of our association and give you a practical example for the application of the block chain cloud technology bulkvision. With this technology, the industry can seamlessly trace all steps in the supply chain. From loading, unloading, cleaning, disinfection, food defense, allergen management, kosher and halal certificates can be tracked and fully controlled. I will also show you the international standards for the propper cleaning and disinfecftion of transport containers and the certification scheme for cleaning stations.

Author(s): Hans-Dieter Philipowski

Abstract PDF

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