- Otolaryngology Online Journal (2015) Volume 5, Issue 3
Hasimoto?S Thyroiditis A Review
Hashimoto thyroditis is an organ specific autoim-mune disorder. Initially described Hakaru Hash-imotoa century ago is now the most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine sufficient are-as of the world. But still the pathogenesis is not fully understood. With higher incidence among female population HT develops as a result of in-teraction between the genetic factors and envi-ronmental factors in susceptible individuals. HT is associated with other autoimmune disorders. Now many variants of HT have been identified: classical form, fibrous variant, IgG4 variant, juve-nile form, hashitoxicosis and silent thyroiditis (sporadic or postpartum). All variants of HT are characterized by lympho-cytic infiltration, distruction and atropy of thy-roid gland ultimately thyroid failure though each entity has specific other features. Clinically HT can also present as euthyroid or even hyperthy-roid state with or without goiter. Diagnosis is based on the clinical features, demonstration of antibodies against thyroid antigen, sonography and cytological findings. Treatment is mainly sup-plementing Levothyroixin for correction of hypo-thyroidism. Surgery is reserved for patients with large goiter causing mechanical compression of cervical structures, painful HT and suspicion of malignancy.
Author(s): Ramya Ranganathan