Research Article - Journal of RNA and Genomics (2022) Volume 18, Issue 2
Genetic polymorphisms in interleukin-1beta were associated with typhoid fever in Babylon city in Iraq.
A total of 50 clinical samples were taken from the blood of typhoid fever patients who visited Al-Hillah Surgical Teaching Hospital and private laboratories in the AL-Hillah/Babylon region between February and August 2021. This research included 50 people who looked to be healthy and diseasefree. Individuals with genotype GA were significantly represented among the patients with typhoid fever: 33 (66%), P-value = 0.0030, as compared with healthy control subjects, 18 (36%), and had an increased risk of developing typhoid fever infection. The IL-1beta (G) allele was less frequent among patients (51%, n=51) than control, and the (A) allele was more frequent among patients than control (49%, n=49). The results showed that there was a significant association between GA genotype and typhoid fever under most inheritance models. The A allele represents a risk factor for patients with typhoid fever and the inheritance of codominant, dominant, and overdominant models as risk factors. The GA genotype has an odd ratio of 4.07 (1.54–10.79) in the model of inheritance. Codominant and dominant models have a related odd ratio of 3.04 (1.21–7.60) and the overdominant model has a related odd ratio of 3.45 (1.52–7.85). A highly interesting Nucleic Acid Polymorphism (SNP) was detected in this study in the investigated samples, in which guanine was replaced with adenine at position 122, namely G122A for the IL-1beta gene
Author(s): Zaineb Fareed Hassan Mussa, Shaimaa Jassim Al Sultany