- Biomedical Research (2013) Volume 24, Issue 1
Gall Bladder Cancer and some epidemiological factors: A cross sectional study.
Gall bladder cancer is the most common malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract in women. Cholelithiasis is frequently associated with carcinoma gallbladder and is the most common associated factor independent of age or sex. Diet has been a suspected risk factor for gallstones since long time. We investigate the association of some clinical, non-clinical and dietary risk factors with gall bladder cancer in North Indian population. In this cross Sectional Study, total 82 patients aged 18-70 year with gallbladder cancer were enrolled. A detail questionnaire was filled through the counseling to take their dietary history and other information. Lipid profile was done by using the commercially available kit. Our result showed that most of the subjects were postmenopausal female belongs to age group of 51-60 years, high parity and upper lower socioeconomic status having gallstone, jaundice, high triglycerides, high cholesterol and low high density lipoprotein (HDL) level. The use of contraceptive pills was strikingly high in premenopausal female patients. In conclusion, our data of demographic, clinical, non clinical and dietary habit is positively associated with gall bladder carcinoma.
Author(s): Shipra Dwivedi, Amit Madeshiya, Devendra Singh, Shraddha Singh, Akhilesh Krishna