Neurophysiology Research

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Short Communication - Neurophysiology Research (2024) Volume 6, Issue 1

Exploring synaptic vesicles: Key players in neuronal communication.

Synaptic vesicles are essential membrane-bound organelles located in the axon terminals of neurons, playing a critical role in neuronal communication. These small structures store neurotransmitters and facilitate their release in response to electrical signals, enabling the transmission of information across synapses. This overview discusses the structure of synaptic vesicles, highlighting their lipid bilayer composition and protein content. The vesicles undergo a series of processes, including storage, transport, exocytosis, and recycling, to maintain efficient signaling. Synaptic vesicles are vital for rapid and specific neuronal communication, contribute to synaptic plasticity, and are implicated in various neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Understanding their function is crucial for advancing our knowledge of neural mechanisms and developing therapeutic strategies for neurological conditions.

Author(s): Evgenia Coon*

Abstract PDF

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