- Otolaryngology Online Journal (2015) Volume 5, Issue 3
Esophageal Perforation and Chicken Bone Migration Induced Vocal Cord Hypomobili-Ty, Surgical Emphysema,Pneumothorax , Pneumomediastinum, Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Abscess And Septicemic Shock : Case Report and Review of the Literature
Hypothyroidism along with thyroid abscess is a very rare condition and not frequently encoun-tered. It is an emergency as indicated with surgi-cal emphysema and hypothyroidism along with pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. Esoph-ageal abscess and perforation along with pneu-mothorax ,pneumomediastinum and surgical cer-vical emphysema was diagnosed by HRCT NECK AND THORAX. The foreign body extruded after rupture of esophageal abscess and patient treat-ed for the underlying complications.
Author(s): Pradip Kumar Tiwari, Joydeep Dey , Pinpo Teron , U.T.Bhuyan , Debajit Das